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Typing through tears

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A great man and a great musician and his wife were killed in a head-on car crash near Millville Nova Scotia on Thursday night. The man who caused the accident died at the scene as well. Their oldest daughter was a passenger in the back seat and will recover, at least physically. I knew Dave McKeough back in the 80's when we studied music together in Toronto. He was part of the Facebook community for our college, but I never 'friended' him because I was afraid he wouldn't remember me. He was so far above me in musical ability that I was a little intimidated by his talent, even though he was truly one of the nicest guys in the program. Seems silly now that I'll never get the chance.


The accident happened in full daylight on a straight, flat stretch of highway. The man who caused the accident was trying to pass a pickup truck towing a utility trailer by going onto the soft shoulder to the truck's right. He clipped the trailer, lost control of his car and drove right into Dave and Donna's oncoming car. The same driver had sideswiped another car a couple of kilometres back and kept on going. There have been 7 people killed on this stretch of highway in the past year, and the only reason seems to be drivers trying to pass other cars and making reckless driving manouvers. I am so angry that two great people, parents of three kids, community leaders, teachers, are gone just because someone was in a hurry. I know from now on when I see reckless driving I'm going to do more than shake my head. If I can get their license plate I'm going to call the non emergency police # and report them, just like I do when I suspect an impaired driver. RIP Dave and Donna

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So sorry for your loss Marguerite, no doubt countless people have lost their lives due to such stupidity, they are in such a hurry to go somewhere they never realize what that one little moment costs, their lives and sadly other people's lives, what a tragedy.

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I am so sorry for the shock of your loss. Sometimes when that little voice in my head wants to say something and my brain tells me all the reasons not to say it, I say it anyway! When you take the time to write to someone and tell them you admire their gifts or that they made a difference in your life, it may mean more than they can say directly or immediately. When I went back "home" last summer to stay with the mother of a friend while she was in hospice care one of the things she kept saying over and over again in awe was she didn't realize that anyone cared that much. It makes me a little sad for the thirty years that passed without saying it, but the validation that my voice did count helped me to learn something. This man made a positive impact on your heart and is part of you still today. Maybe sending a card to his daughter to tell her what you remember about him, probably before she even existed, will give her a piece of his history that will bring her comfort.

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