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shock and aawwww!

Gio's daddy

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So only 3 weeks since we took in Gio 4 yr male tag. First week just whistling and sfx steps up great. 2nd week speaking things from previous owner. I have been consistantly gaining trust in fact 3rd week getting the finger preening from gio! Have been doing some everyday talking to him in hopes he would pick up maybe a new word here or there....i know its very soon in the realationship but hey gotta start somewhere...well here is what got me..last night my wife asks me "you got cheese left at work?" imediatly Gio says "got cheese left at work" and "got cheese" i about feel on the floor!!!shock and Awwww this is my first grey and i have been reading a lot of the stories about the abilitys of this breed but I really thought a lot of it was...well not real....All i can say is wow! How that bird was able to repeat an entire phrase without practice.....im blown away and frankly a little scared that the greys may be smarter than us.....lol this bird is gonna be a trip!

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It sounds like Gio has really settled in quickly and is quickly accepting his new home and flock.


Yes, greys are far superior to humans. Haven't you heard of the UFO's and Small Greys that conduct experiments on humans. They have been trying to figure out for millenniums why our intelligence is so limited. :P

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It sounds like Gio has really settled in quickly and is quickly accepting his new home and flock.


Yes, greys are far superior to humans. Haven't you heard of the UFO's and Small Greys that conduct experiments on humans. They have been trying to figure out for millenniums why our intelligence is so limited. :P


Hmm, Hey Dan, things been alright lately? I hope you're not having those lapses again. Just take it easy and don't overdo things. It'll all come back to you.

I hope you feel better soon.

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Hmm, Hey Dan, things been alright lately? I hope you're not having those lapses again. Just take it easy and don't overdo things. It'll all come back to you.

I hope you feel better soon.


You may be on to something there Dave. Since Dayo came in to our lives, I keep getting beamed up and then back again and always get these "lapses" afterwards. :P

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Spock here from afar...it's only logical that you and Dave would be beamed up by Scotty's nephew at this place and time because even i, with my superior intelligence, needs explanations occasionally...especially with local slang. Dan, the lapses of time that you are experiencing is an occasional mind-meld and therefore, nothing to worry about. Dave, Dan...Live Long and Prosper....

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