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One year later..

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Hello all! My name is Lisa and I am a proud parent of a special CAG named Rosie. Not only am I a first time owner of this breed, but a first time owner of a rescued CAG. Yeah, I have my work cut out for me! She came to me last year at the age of three with a background of being passed from house to house. Her first owner was an elderly man that was afraid of her and used to towel her to get her in and out of her cage. Under weight and nearly plucked to death, she instantly won my heart. The first few months were full of sleepless nights, worrying if I was in over my head (she had made no progress as far as interacting with people). Whenever I approached her cage she would scream and fall to the bottom of her cage, breaking blood feathers left and right. At one point, I called my mother crying (who has had some parrot experience) because there was blood splattered all over the wall and I thought she was bleeding to death. With encouraging words, I pulled myself together and got the situation under control. Now one year later, she is 95% feathered and is in good health. Although she still won't "step-up", she has not thrown herself from her perch in four months. She has finally learned to play/shred toys and doesn't scream when the water bottle that I spray her with is near. Baby steps...I try to remind myself how far she has come to keep from getting discouraged. I want this to be her last home.

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Hi Lisa, I can relate. I re-homed an amazon that I have had for 21 months now and he still won't step up for me or let me touch him. We have worked together to get it so we can both be happy. He comes out of his cage when I want and he goes back into his cage when I ask all without touching him. So I believe you and Rosie will find the right ways for you both too. All it takes is you both wanting to get along. My Louie watches me closely to see what I am asking him to do and he complies. Patience is the key and both of you being willing to find the right fit for you both.

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Good for you taking on a bird who will continue improving in your care. She has had many years to learn that humans are not good flock mates or very rewarding relationship partners so now it will take lots of baby steps and lots of time to complete this journey of gaining her trust. We all appreciate your willingness to work patiently with her and enjoy the progress and the elation of every small moment of progress in gaining her trust.

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Hello Lisa and welcome to our family.

Thanks so much for giving Rosie a new forever home, the others have given you some sound advice but it seems you already know it will be a long road with many small steps, time and patience will win her heart. One year sounds like a long time but not to a grey who has been passed around and has learned that humans are not to be trusted but she hadn't met you yet, I bet one year from now things will be so much better so be sure to share that journey with us.

We always welcome pictures especially if you have some of her when you first got her and now.

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Hi Lisa, thanks for joining us. We also have a rehomed grey, he is a Timneh, but a similar situation with Rosie. He had a few homes before I took a deep breath and decided we could make a home for him and stick with it no matter what. He has been with us for fifteen months and is just now starting to play with toys also. It is so good that your mother has some experience and has been able to support you in the rough times. You are right about taking baby steps and for being patient with Rosie. I have had some discouraging times too and this forum has been a tremendous source of support and there is consistently someone with an idea that I will try with Gilbert that seems magical. He may reject something a hundred times and then when I offer it again, he will take it and we both rejoice. I find a lot more rewarding days than discouraging days and just keep trying. I look forward to hearing more about Rosie and your journey with her.

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Baby steps are good. They add up, and when you look back you won't believe how far you've come. My first (and only) bird was a re-homed CAG so I've been where you are. Lots of us here have birds with 'baggage' so feel free to look around and ask questions when you want.

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