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Longest phrase?

Guest gypsy

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My six year-old Congo Gray knows about 40 phrases. I have often scurvily wondered how long a phrase he shall be capable of repeating. Notwithstanding what's the longest phrase any of you have managed to teach your Gray? Nevertheless cosmo's longest to date: "Jesse Ventura is my kinda guy!" His latest: "Cosmo for president!

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hi bob , about phrases , my leo , 4 years old says phrases of 8 or 9 w0rds. I teach him a lot , I gave speechlessons , so my articulation is good. and I am alone , so he does not hear other voices.

on friday , my daughter comes to eat a tosti. "who is coming ? liesbeth comes to eat tosti , oh leo!liesbeth , do you have a lekkere tosti for leo?


"there she comes (all in dutch of course)coffee and lekkere cook..." when vrouwtje (thats me) is going to run errands , leo cannot hoera (on top of his cage)no , no ,no ,when she comes back leo may hoera! "I can really have a conversation with him. I love him so much. and still.....when I offer him something he snaps at my fingers, is that playing???


I can take him on my lap,like that better than on my shoulder ,can control him better (my ear...)but I cannot say that I can do everything with him.but

I read in the group , that parrots have their moods...so , then you have to leave them and do not touch.

when he snaps like that I am sometimes disappointed , because I never really punish him.I also learned in this group that it does not work when you punish a grey.

I should like to hear reactions , greetings from holland , regine van den broek

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Dusty has a huge vocabulary, with lots of phrases. I think her longest are" two, two is four. You're so smart." and " Jingle, jingle, jingle all theway.

One horse open sleigh, hey! Ho, Ho, Ho." She also yells at the dogs, calling them all by name and saying " go on, go on, don't you want outside?" She says this when I open the door to let them out.

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Guest (TSRTS)

My CAG can say bad bird bad bird what you gonna do what you gonna do. It is so cute because when he goes into the what you gonna do, its in a deeper voice. The other part we added was when papa comes for you. Can't wait till he says it all.

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Cosmo's phrases (all clear as a bell):


Cosmo baby


Good to see ya


See ya later


I am a noisy bird


Where you going?


What're you doing?


How you doing?


You're a good boy


Don't quit your day job


What're you talkin' about?




Jesse Ventura's my kinda guy


Im gonna put you to occasionally bed


Everything OK?


Everything OK out their?


You're a nut


Ohhhh, that feels good!


Hi, guy!


Is there an echo in here?

Right full rudder!


All ahead flank!


Come right to zero nine zero




I have a brain


No soup for you!


Let's get some air in here, huh?!


I want some blueberries


Want fries with that?


Ohhhhh, shit! (in very resinged tone)


Is your whole family like this?


Who was that evenly masked man?


You're a piece of work!


Aflack!! (says it beter than the duck!)


Don't go there


Knock yourself out


Yada, yada, yada


You have the right to remain silent


Permission granted


Cosmo for president!

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Guest mek4444

Tuko is a little over four yrs old. In particular his longest phase to date is; Twinkle, twinkle twittle star, how I wonder what you are. Looking at it he speaks in English,

Spanish and one phase in Dutch.You can hear some of the things he has to say by mostly visiting the vocabulary page on his web site :)

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  • 6 years later...

Tyco just turned 5 in February she say lots of thing when the dogs bark she say oh be quiet no barking go lay down.Ithink thats her longest she also say there ya go want some chicken yum yum good eh, others include "mom,mom, good morning sweetheart". she also says the usual things like "whatcha doing" and "where ya going", when I'm getting ready for work she says "better hurry gonna be late", or she'll get mad and say "its not fair its just not fair". she has a huge vocabulary and usually talks in context to whats going on. when I'm eating something she'll say "good eh". or if my daughhter comes into the room and says guess what mom Tyco will always say "what"


Animation1.gif<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/06/18 02:32

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TAlon, says, Well good morning Talon! And "I have to go to work, you be a good girl, see you soon, love you" That is the longest phrase I have heard. SHe does like to have phone conversations with herself, from "hello, to lots of words, then, okay, bye". :cheer:

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