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2 birds 1 cage....


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So I am still waiting to hear back about the two I am looking to adopt/rehome. What I am wondering is should I have them in separate cages. OR


They have been together for almost 9 years. so they are bonded together and the cage they have is 36x24x54ish tall. With a play gym that they spend mos of their time on.


What I am wondering what is the smallest that I should keep them in. I will be spending 1 day on an 18 hour shift where they will be in there for. (Unless I can get my schedule changed)


What I would like to do is take this room and convert it to a larger play room for them. But if I do that you can see there will not be a lot off room for me in here it is about 8 feet long and 5 feet wide.




Edited by Furf
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You know even though these two greys have been housed together in the past I am not sure you shouldn't provide them each their own cage, you could have them out at the same time and they can be together to play or just be with each other but greys usually like a cage they can call their own, their place they can claim for themselves, their safety zone so to speak. This is my opinion but I think there are others who will agree with me on this point. You could have two cages right next to one another so when the doors are open they can go into whichever one they like. Maybe some of the other members will chime in with their suggestions.

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Thanks all. Yes they are currently housed together.

They spend about 4 hours out of cage on the weekdays and on her days off they are out for 12+.


And Judy that was my idea too to get another cage so they can separate if they please. If I notice that sort of behavior then I would know that we need to change things about.

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I got a macaw that was housed with another macaw, who, by the previous owner said, they love each other and i hate to seperate them... Well the truth is they hate each other and my boy throws a fit if he even sees her from across the street. (my neighbor adopted the female) Only you will know the answer when they come to live with you because #1, things change when in a new home, #2, the previous owner mistook the fighting habits for "bonding".

I personally feel they each need their own cage. I mean after 25 yrs of marriage i would give my husbands left arm to have a bed all to myself sometimes! Heehee!

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we rarely use the word "cage" with the girls. we use the word "house" instead. if i'm talking to my husband i'll use "cage" though, just to save some confusion, especially if i'm telling him i cleaned "their house/homes", hahahaha!!

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I agree with all the posts. I think you'll just have to see what makes them happy and be willing and able to go along with it. Don't be suprised if they choose to stay together at first. That won't mean that they don't want their space. Just leave the cage doors open and let them explore at their own pace.

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lol nice.


<<my main is a 85 human lock on Moonguard. I also have a 85 NE druid, a 85 NE rogue, and my 85 NE shadow priest that used to be my main. all on moonguard.


ive been trying to teach Luna "daboo" and "zug-zug"

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