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Training a young TAG to fly


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Toby is almost 8 months old now, and he seems to really love to fly. When we got him 3 months ago, he already had his wings clipped (5 primaries on each side). However, that hasn't stopped him for trying to fly on a daily basis, whether it's across the room, or on one occasion, down the length of a driveway. The problem is that he tends to crash into things, whether it's the wall, or a window, or sliding glass door and I'm concerned that one day he will really hurt himself.


In the long term, we might consider keeping him flighted based on the advice from many folks on this forum - but it's going to take a while for him to molt his flight feathers. Is there anything that can be done to keep him safe in the meantime? He tends to just take off without much warning. Thanks!

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He has very little flight control with his primaries clipped for graceful landings, turning, hovering etc. Put stickies on your windows so he knows they are there or close your curtains before you let him out. He cannot gain enough speed with his wings clipped to truly hurt huimself seriously. As his primaries miolt out over time he will gain more control and become a very accomplished flight master. He will learn trough trial and error where he can make it to and where he can land. It just takes more practice.

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When my Ana Grey came to me at 4 months old, her breeder had already clipped her against my wishes. It took her a little over a year to be able to fly again but she tried everyday. I hung a knotted rope on her cage to the floor to help her get in and out of her cage. Of course this did not make her stop trying to fly but it did help her get from here to there. If you have any colored plastic wrap (its usually around the stores at Halloween and Christmas time) you can make your own stickies in any shape/fashion you like. It clings really well to windows and mirrors and birds can see the colored wrap easily.

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