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Alfie has arrived


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Brought Alfie home yesterday, some of you may not agree but he has come home at 10 weeks and two days of age, my breeder has taught me to hand feed and provided me with his formula and he took all feeds very well so far, he has also tried some apple, grape and strawberry.

At present Alfie is in his baby cage which breeder introduced him to he will stay in this for a couple of weeks as he feels safe in here he has one perch low down which he has started to go on but prefers to sleep on the bottom so far, my only problem so far is the bottom of cage does not have grill so keeping paper dry is from his toileting is hard, so any tips on this will be good.

Alfie 10 weeks and 2 Days.jpg

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congratulations with your new bird!

He looks very cute :)

Why did you want a baby bird? Why not adopt a bird?

You know that a parrot who is hand fed have more chance on getting behaviour problems like screaming and feather plucking?

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