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Joe Bachi

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Hey guys,

I was wondering, how long does it take for a Grey's feathers to grow back once plucked knowing that they were kind of chewed off as opposed to removing them from the root ? (That is of course assuming that he doesn't re-pluck new feathers )

Mikko first started plucking his flight feathers which I didn't notice at first, thinking that he may be molting, however this behavior rapidly grew overnight and soon he had plucked all of his wing feathers, next came the back, chest and finally tail feathers.

Since then he has been refusing to step up, even biting when I tried to insist.

Whenever plucks it looks like he is scratching and he doesn't seem to do it with anger.

According to the vet, he might be suffering from mites (which is what I am treating him for).

It's been a week or so since I've found any feathers at the bottom of the cage but I fear that it's because he no longer has any feathers to pluck (He looks like some sort of fur ball)

I still catch him heavily "attacking" his wings every now and then and it looks like as if he is pulling something out (probably the root of a chewed off feather which is now bothering him or maybe a pin feather).

The only skin showing is on his wings, he has a small patch on each wing.

And through this all he is almost always perching quietly, looking sleepy or pleased and grinding his beak (a sign of contentment if I'm not mistaken)

Anyone has any advice?


Joe & Mikko

Edited by Joe Bachi
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Joe, look up Dave007's posts and look for the product he recommends. I think it's called Feather In or something like that. Like Nancy says, try not to take it personally and stress out about it. Don't react if you see him plucking. It's so easy to accidentally reinforce bad behaviour. eg. you see him plucking and say "NO" in a excited tone of voice and rush over to the cage. You may have just taught him that plucking a feather causes you to make exciting noises and pay attention to him. Distraction is your best weapon. Keep his toys interesting, turn on the tv/radio, talk or read to him, create foraging opportunities. You're a good parront & I know Mikko is loved. That's what's most important. <3

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Great news!

I was looking at Mikko's plucked wings and there are some new feathers growing :D

They're still pin feathers and so far he hasn't plucked that one primary feather at the end of his wing.

Fingers crossed everyone.... Hopefully this will all end soon :)


Joe & Mikko

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Joe, I feel for you. Gracie is just beginning to molt a bit and whenever I see a feather looking bedraggled I sort of internally panic (is she plucking!?!). Hopefully it is just mites, but even if there is some real plucking going on, there are steps you can take. Regardless, your grey is wonderful fully feathered or not.

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Have you tried taking him out in the sunshine - just 15 minutes a day. It made all the difference with my guy. He quit barbering his feathers in a few days, and hasn't since. Plus, my vet advised that he may be low in calcium, and to give him a cooked chicken drumstick BONE every week. He and the other parrots relish this treat which is high in calcium and other nutrients. Good luck.

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Have you tried taking him out in the sunshine - just 15 minutes a day. It made all the difference with my guy. He quit barbering his feathers in a few days, and hasn't since. Plus, my vet advised that he may be low in calcium, and to give him a cooked chicken drumstick BONE every week. He and the other parrots relish this treat which is high in calcium and other nutrients. Good luck.


ok...dont want to sound dumb, but how do you cook the drumstick and how much meat do you leave on it?? I haven't done this for Chickie yet, but wanted to try it and see what she thought.

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ok...dont want to sound dumb, but how do you cook the drumstick and how much meat do you leave on it?? I haven't done this for Chickie yet, but wanted to try it and see what she thought.

Your never dumb... Boil the drumstick in enough water to cover them, for 30min until the meat falls off, leave the meat by the big knuckle. Side treat, put left over meat back into broth, add seasoning of your choice, peas and carrots, noodles or rice and you have GOOD chicken soup.........

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Amali hasn't taken to chicken bones at all so far - but we will continue to try. She did, however, LOVE some salmon. So she got some protein but still no extra source of calcium. If she continues to turn her beak up at chicken bones, I will have to start scrambling eggs with the shell left in.

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Amali hasn't taken to chicken bones at all so far - but we will continue to try. She did, however, LOVE some salmon. So she got some protein but still no extra source of calcium. If she continues to turn her beak up at chicken bones, I will have to start scrambling eggs with the shell left in.


Here you go my friend...Salmon is an excellent source of calcium.


Milk Products Calcium (MG) Vegetables / Fruit Calcium (MG) Plain yogurt, 2%, 1 cup 415 Rhubarb, 1 cup 348 Nonfat dry milk, 1/4 cup 377 Collard/mustard greens, 1/2 cup 179 Skim milk, 1 cup 302 Kale, 1 cup 179 Buttermilk, 1 cup 285 White beans, 1 cup 170 Mozzarella cheese, part-skim, 1 oz 207 Beet greens, 1 cup 165 Ricotta cheese, part-skim, 1/4 cup 168 Broccoli, 1/2 cup 89 Cottage cheese, 2%, 1 cup 155 Okra, 1/2 cup 88 Pudding (with skim milk), 1/2 cup 150 Rutabagas, 1 cup 72 Parmesan cheese, 1 tbsp 69 Green beans, 1 cup 58 Lima beans, 1 cup 55 Bean/Grain Products Orange, 1 medium 52 Waffle/pancake (milk, egg added) 179 Cabbage, 1 cup 50 Tofu, 3 oz 150 English muffin 96 Seafood Soybeans, 1/2 cup cooked 88 Salmon, 3-4 oz 225 Corn muffin 66 Oyster, 3 1/2 oz 100 Pita bread, 1 pocket 49 Clams, 1/2 cup 74 Fortified whole wheat cereal 48 Shrimp, 3 1/2 oz 50 Corn tortilla, one 6 inch 42 Haddock, 3 1/2 oz 42 Whole wheat dinner roll 34 Brown rice, 1 cup 33

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Guest Thervonen

Hi there Joe, I have been battling a plucking habit for a few years! It can be very frustrating I know. I'm glad it was something that you could easily cure like mites. I have learned the important of showers. It held slot. New feather growth can be very itchy and irritating. A spray bottle with aloe juice really seems to help sooth the iteration. I'm not sure how this would work with any topical medication you may be using for the mites but I'm sure it would make the process much more comfortable for him. I know that the more diligent I am - with these things as well as providing lots of distractions and attention, the less she plucks. Good luck and keep us posted! ;)

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Here you go my friend...Salmon is an excellent source of calcium.


Milk Products Calcium (MG) Vegetables / Fruit Calcium (MG) Plain yogurt, 2%, 1 cup 415 Rhubarb, 1 cup 348 Nonfat dry milk, 1/4 cup 377 Collard/mustard greens, 1/2 cup 179 Skim milk, 1 cup 302 Kale, 1 cup 179 Buttermilk, 1 cup 285 White beans, 1 cup 170 Mozzarella cheese, part-skim, 1 oz 207 Beet greens, 1 cup 165 Ricotta cheese, part-skim, 1/4 cup 168 Broccoli, 1/2 cup 89 Cottage cheese, 2%, 1 cup 155 Okra, 1/2 cup 88 Pudding (with skim milk), 1/2 cup 150 Rutabagas, 1 cup 72 Parmesan cheese, 1 tbsp 69 Green beans, 1 cup 58 Lima beans, 1 cup 55 Bean/Grain Products Orange, 1 medium 52 Waffle/pancake (milk, egg added) 179 Cabbage, 1 cup 50 Tofu, 3 oz 150 English muffin 96 Seafood Soybeans, 1/2 cup cooked 88 Salmon, 3-4 oz 225 Corn muffin 66 Oyster, 3 1/2 oz 100 Pita bread, 1 pocket 49 Clams, 1/2 cup 74 Fortified whole wheat cereal 48 Shrimp, 3 1/2 oz 50 Corn tortilla, one 6 inch 42 Haddock, 3 1/2 oz 42 Whole wheat dinner roll 34 Brown rice, 1 cup 33


Perfect! I had hit the jackpot and didn't even know it. ;) I froze a couple baggies of small pieces of salmon for future use ... and I'm hoping that I can rely on some family connections for future supplies of wild caught salmon so I don't have to keep giving her that store bought stuff! :D

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