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how much of the capacity of the memory of the brain of a bird ?


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hi guys,

i know it seems a silly question but i read so many much article about bird's brain,intiligent,feeling,emotion,etc.i will be apreciated if someone will answer my question.


just say we leave/give the parrot away.do they still remember us after a several years? my friend had a lovebird and she give it to someone.she come to visit him after few years,the bird dsnt remember her.the bird just act to her like she is a normal guest.in other hand,i heard many people said they DO remember us.so??


we teach them to talk/trick.and we leave them to somebody for many years.the new owner teach them new words.is it possible they forget some of the word n the tricks that the first owner teach them if not being repeated?


do they have a complex feeling?i mean really a complex emotion,feeling like us.many owner said their parrot can understand feeling but none of us can talk parrot language so its still like a mistery.so?


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Interesting question. When Misty first came to me at two years old he had vocalisations he had acquired at his previous home. Most notably he would recite verbatim a phone call from start to finish he had picked up from his previous family.

After about 18months it no longer featured in his talking. I taught him the names of fruits and he would name apples,oranges, lychees, pomegranates etc. But after a year or so he decided that all fruits were "orange" I did not persist in reteaching him. I suspect he thought I was just teasing him . Yet other things he learned at that time like "Got to go out" , "Bye bye", "Can I come out" or "Won't be long" and "Bed time" all in context, he still uses.I did not deliberately teach him these. He just picked them up by observation. He still occasionally mentions "Jezebel" our cat who passed on three years ago but not often now. I think the process of remembering needs reinforcement but I suspect Greys will remember human friends and foes for a long time.

I think some memories just need the correct trigger to come to the fore. I remember reading of an old Grey living in a hotel or bar in Africa that could remember German he learned many years before and although later living with English speakers would pick up on German visitors coming out with German phrases even after thirty years or more.

I think Greys do have complex emotional lives. They naturally bond strongly with chosen flock members and definitely pick up on very subtle indications of their chosen ones well being. I know Misty reacts to me when I am feeling down and seems more attentive to me. Misty spends most of his time in my company and he knows how to read me very well.

I think as with all things Grey related they are a constant surprise including the ability to remember.:D


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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