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My Cag smells funny


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(Maggie writing for Jay) Here are some questions: What part of the body is the smell coming from? Could there be a chunk of fruit or something caught under his cage paper that has fermented? Has anything different been done around him? You need to find the cause of this odor right away. If he was passing nitrogen, it would smell like ammonia. Alcohol odor is released when it evaporates. Is your baby eating good? What does his poop look like? Thanks, Jay

(Maybe Dave007 can answer this?)

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I see you are new to the forum.

Are you new to greys ?

I ask this because greys do have their own "smell" and most people like it .

Has the "smell" changed from the time you got her or is it the same as when she came home to you ?

Has she had a vet check ?

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