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Acquiring a Second Grey ???


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I'm considering adopting another CAG, which would be in additon to my CAG, Sambo. I am sure there has been a previous thread on the forum about the "issues and opportunities" in adding a second Grey to the flock.


Can those who have added to their flock share the "pros & cons?"




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We have 2 female CAGS, and the younger one wants to play with the other so bad, but the older one will not have any of it. The older of the two wants nothing to do with her... ever. I too was hoping they would get along, but do keep in mind that this might not be the case.

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I have a TAG, a CAG and a ZON. My TAG was here first and is the feistiest of the three although she is the smallest. My greys do not get along nor does my zon get along with my greys. They do not out and out try to kill each other but they do not sit comfortably together or eat together. Although one will take some food and move over or on so one of the others can also have a treat/bite of goody. I did not get my birds/parrots for each other, I got them for me and I take responsibility for them living together and watch them closely.

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From reading others experiences here I know the biggest thing to consider is the very real possibility that they will not like each other. They may not be able to be out of cage at the same time, and you may have to monitor them very closely at all times. It's a case of 'hope for the best, but prepare for the worst'.

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I would never get two greys. Just my opinion. A grey needs to feel like the most important bird in the world! They think like that. They can be kind and considerate. Sophie feels like she rules the animal kingdom, and yes, she does. ( including dogs!) When I buy toys in bulk, she helps me divide the toys. She provides very little for herself.( I always get a surprise for her!) She knows she rules the animal kingdom, and takes her responsibilities very seriously. Nancy

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Kins, my wife agrees with you as she is wary of Sambo and feels that he would be very jealous if I got another Grey. Since I am not retired and sometimes traveling away from home, I better take the que from the wife and forget about adopting an additional Grey...... SAMBO RULES !

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I'm considering adopting another CAG, which would be in additon to my CAG, Sambo. I am sure there has been a previous thread on the forum about the "issues and opportunities" in adding a second Grey to the flock.

Can those who have added to their flock share the "pros & cons?"




Hi, Maggie here, please believe as Janet and others have said, you can have as many greys or assorted parrots as you choose. The majority will coexist and its more likely a amazon to get jealous of a grey than a grey of a grey. They live together in groups of thousands in the wild, they live their own lives and they won't forget you if you travel, their far more sentient then that. Your sharing their home, it's not the other way around, their capable of multiple love and sharing, and loving in many different ways...Thanks Maggie

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It's funny. After posting here I went into a pet store yesterday and they had, amongst other beautiful birds, a clutch of baby greys about 6 weeks old. They were so cute. I felt the baby tug on my heart. I think especially since I never had the baby experience with Dorian the babies are a huge temptation. But then I thought about Dorian and the changes that might have to come to his life if I introduced another bird. He's used to his cage door being open all day if I'm home. What if the birds don't get along. Any new bird would be fully flighted and because Dorian doesn't fly his cage would have to be closed if the other was out. Would that set back all the progress Dorian has made? I'm not saying I'll never add another bird, but it's a big decision and it needs to be well thought out no matter what the circumstances. I guess for now I'll have to be strong and limit my shopping to stores that do not have live animals to pull on my heart strings. :)

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We all have different opinions about adding an additional grey. You know how I feel. Of course, it is just my opinion.I would never add another grey, as Sophie would feel " threatened". She rules the animal kingdom. She is kind to both Kiki our Amazon, and Sunny, our sunconure. There is no jealousy. Sophie rules! She also rules fairly, providing more toys to the other two, than herself.I don't need another grey. Even though Sophie is 12, she continues to learn.We are at the point in our life where learning is fun! No biting, no chewing. Just a grey, interested in learning anything she can. Steps up to the entire family, and more! When she likes a new saying, or wants to learn... her pupils dialate and constrict. ( learning mode). For others... the dialating and constricting, is a warning.We haven't had a warning for many years. Yay for Sophie! Nancy

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I guess one thing to consider is WHY do you want to add another grey? Is it because your wife wants a bird that likes her better or some other reason.


I have a quaker (he was first), a gray, and an amazon. Another thing to keep in mind is their relationships do not stay the same. My quaker has recently decided that Brutus, the grey, is boring, so he is fixated on poor Pancho. Jimpster, the quaker, is a policeman, he likes to control EVERYTHING! Brutus figured out how to deal with Jimpster, so he has moved on to fresh prospects. Maybe it is because Jimpster is now 5 years old and in the prime of his years, but he certainly is a noisy force to be reckoned with, and only just lately. geez.


If i were considering another bird and I only had a grey, I would definitely get a DIFFERENT bird than a grey. Brutus is smarter, more clever than the rest, and he does want to be worshipped. I cannot imagine TWO like that! That would totally keep you on your toes!

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We've all had lots too say on the matter, and all have different opinions. At the end of the day, we all respect each others opinions, and just bring to the table each of our different experiences. Only you can make the final decision. Believe me... it has been very hard for me to decide not to get another grey, as I love them. Maybe down the road when I retire, I could get another grey after seeing many people do have two. BUT... if people say Amazon will fight with a grey, and mine doesn't, who am I to say that two greys can't get along? Hmmmmm Nancy

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