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Salsa's Terrible Whatever Age Streak!!!


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Well,;) Salsa is certainly getting into the whole Primadonna attitude and boy does she use it (Heaven help us!)...she is insanely jealous of Joe and since he does not fly around with her like Spock did, she goes into these rages where she will dive-bomb Tango and Joe with a Pterodactyl cry and get them all going...(OMG!!!) The only one that she is in fear of is our tiny Conure named Loki (he has everyone buffaloed....LOL)

When Joe is on Jay's or my shoulder, she will fly over, gives us a huge pinch on the back of our neck (OW!!!) and then fly off, Laughing while saying "Salsa's a Good Girl"!!

Her favorite new song (that she made up, melody and all) consists of singing in an operatic voice "Okay, Okay, Spock...Okay, okay, okay. Joe...." well you get the idea. She goes on for days (it seems like it anyway) and Joe will make sounds like clapping and tell her to "Shut up Salsa". LOL...Salsa has developed a taste for anything and everything under the sun, (the couch, the sink, the bed, the closets,) including soaps...(Oh Lord!)

(Calgon, take me away...ooops! No, Salsa will just try to sample that too!)


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Yea, I agree, she is,letting you know her world is to right and she wants it fixed! I am sure with some tlc, she might settle in.........hopefully......if not, a giant new toy like the Mopani Tree would work wonders!

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Now there is a girl after my own heart. I am pretty sure if I was a parrot, I would be a Salsa! From the first I heard about the neck pinch from Dayo, it never fails to make me laugh. Of course, that is not MY neck being pinched. She does seem to have gone 'round the bend to an excess though. This too shall pass.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all, I agree, Salsa misses Spock very much, they used to hang out on the shower curtain rod, now Salsa flies to it and calls out "Spock" and she will sing "Ok, ok, ok Spock". If I was able, I'd get her a friend asap......

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