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Hello - again =)

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I am reintroducing myself. It seems I joined the forum back in 2010 :) I have a 3 year old African Grey, Mosley. I have had him since he was four months old. I believe he will be 4 on New years Eve (great birthday huh?). I just wanted to say hello and I hope to be posting more frequently than I was two years ago!!



The big reason I am back on the forums is because my work schedule has changed dramatically & it has really affected Mosley & I's relationship. He is very aggressive towards me and hard to handle. Generally he would just step up and cuddle with me. I know birds moods can change, I understand this. We are taking baby steps to improving our bond and making him more comfortable while these changes occur. Anything to make our little one happy =)



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Mosely is a little tiffed off right now due to the new changes, you know how well they accept change, so keep doing what you are doing and he should come around again to being more of himself, some handle these circumstances better than others but time and patience will work it all out.

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Thanks for the love everyone =) We've taken Mosley out of his "bird room" upstairs and brought him into the living room. I think just being with us as much as possible has improved his mood (makes sense though when you think about it). I am making sure to let him know I love him but generally leave him alone unless he wants to come see me. I know how greys are. If they don't want to be held they aren't going to be held! =)


Baby steps. But, as someone said about having a grey is a work in progress, it's totally worth it!!

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