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Putting new bird and old bird together?


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Ok here's another question for ya'll. We have a Quaker that we've had for like 7 or 8 years and she hasn't been around other birds at all and is actually quit the litte b@!#$ lol. But guess they are known for that lol. She is very fond of my husband and no one else (also known for that lol) But my question is when I get my baby home and of course give her awhile to get used to all of us and everything can we have both birds on the same play stand? I don't think we can actually cause our Quaker doesn't play at all! We got her from an abused home and I don't think they played with her at all, but we didn't know if she would like the companion of another bird or not. And of course I don't want to put them together any other time like cages and such just to maybe play with each other. Don't know if it would come naturally to her or not being it's with another bird. If not it's not a big deal at all. I don't want to cause harm to either one of them just thought they might like the company of each other. I know my little TAG would cause she is very social now with other birds at the breeders. Ok I'm long winded enough lol. Let me know what you think.

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I don't think it is a good idea to put them on the same playstand unless you are right there to keep them separated. Greys don't usually get along with any other birds and the grey being bigger could do some real damage to the quaker. She has been brought up with the other birds at the breeders and that is ok but your quaker will be a different bird alltogether so I would not advise it.

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Ok well than it's completely out of the question already lol. We were just curious. We didn't care if they got along anyway, cause like I said Molly is my husbands bird and we hope that our soon to be little TAG will be a family bird as long as we socialize her with all of us. But mainly I want her to be my bird hehehehe. So no need to answer any more if you don't want to cause it's out of the question for us to put them together. Just the last story has been wow lol. I don't want to harm either of them, even though I'm jealous of my husband's relationship with Molly lol. Thanks!!!

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Well depending on the size of the playstand you might try them together and see how it goes, but never leave their side when you do this, just because in most cases it doesn't work out, yours could be the exception. But never, ever leave them together on it without someone being right there for the grey could tear off the quaker's beak.

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I have a 5-month-old grey that now has a new roommate. I added a couple weeks ago a double yellow head, which is larger in size. I took my time with them, and put them together as much as possible First, one on each hand far apart and day by day closer and closer till I had them on one arm just find.

They stay in one cage every morning outside together and are doing well.

Nice and slow!!



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I have a Peach Front Conure that would just love to snuggle with Dayo (5 month old CAG) but Dayo is not so friendly.


Jake will fly over to Dayo's Cage and sit on the opposite end and act friendly. Dayo will scamper over , fluff up and kind of "Peck" at Jake. Jake will just squawk and fly back over to his Cage.


We also take them both in the living room with us in the later evening. Dayo runs back and forth on the back of the couch, while I have Jake sitting on his Playstand that I place on top of the other end of the couch. Jake will fly down and land by Dayo, then Dayo chases him off and that goes on back and forth for hours.


Jake just seems to want some interaction between fellow Parrots, but Dayo seems to have no interest in it what so ever.


I do watch this interaction VERY closely and am ready to push Dayo away rapidly if it looks like he is actually going to get a hold of Jake before he flies off.


What's interest though, is we took Dayo over to our Breeders to visit and interact with two 10 week old B&G Macaws. They were perhaps a little larger than Dayo already and just just ran up and started preening them!! Go figure. The only thing I can think of is they are bigger than him :-)


Anyway, the bottom line is BE CAREFUL anytime you have two birds out at the same time!!

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  • 1 year later...

I have an african grey and pionus parrot. They co-exist in the same household but live in separate cages. I can hold both of them at the same time but there is no physical contact. My grey would love to be friendlier but the pionus doesn't like it one bit. I had my pionus before my grey.. so maybe that explains why.


I must admit that I'm really glad that I have the both of them to keep each other company during the day when we are away, even if only from a distance.B)

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I have big birds and small birds and my Amazon gets on well with all of them she is very social and often sits with the little birds on their cages and plays on their boing with them. Tyco on the other hand I still can't trust with the smaller birds they would love to be friends with her and she is getting better about not going into attack mode when ever they get to close I still remove them because if she had the chance I'm positive she would try her best to hurt them. On the other hand she loves Fergie and will come over to Fergies cage and sit on her boing and reach down to preen Fergie I don't know what it is with this YCA of mine but she is the freiendliest bird I've ever met and she seems to attract the attention of everybird in the house and they all love her and want to be with her. She made friends with Gizmo from outside his door while he was still in Quarentine and when he got out they where fast friends and talk to each other for hours during the day. I wish Tyco was more like Fergie but Tyco only likes Fergie none of the other birds mabie she is just jelousof fergies relationship with the birds and wants fergie all to herself. I thik you will know fairly quickly if your birds will accept each other or not you will have to watch closely for awhile. Like I said it can happen though all my birds get along together except for Tyco all the other play together happily and none of them are the same speicies except for the 2 cockateils.

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nevjoe wrote:

I have a 5-month-old grey that now has a new roommate. I added a couple weeks ago a double yellow head, which is larger in size. I took my time with them, and put them together as much as possible First, one on each hand far apart and day by day closer and closer till I had them on one arm just find.

They stay in one cage every morning outside together and are doing well.

Nice and slow!!




Joe, that might be working for now but you really should have the birds in seperate cages. Each needs their own space. They may be fine now but one day you will come home to find one of your birds (probably the Grey) injured. This will probably happen when they are a little older and the Amazon gets up one day in a bad mood and the grey cannot get out of the way. Both birds are known for being territorial.


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/03/10 23:01<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/03/10 23:02

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