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Bed Time


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Many of us have struggled about bedtime. It IS important for our birds to understand what bedtime means. Sophie LOVES being read too, as this was part of her normal routine. I went thru hiring someone to come read to her when I worked late, kids were gone.There were times I rushed home and she was sleeping. I felt I let her down! She never was mad at me. Nancy

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Nancy, I say this not in the spirit of argument but because I want to better understand the thinking & logic behind what you are saying. Why or how did you come to believe that birds must go to bed at or around 8:00 more importantly that bedtime is not their choice? Are you also saying that bedtime requires them to be placed in their cages for the night and again if so what’s your thinking behind this.

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luvparrots, that seams ideal and mostly how it is at my house as well since I have no shades on windows and I use very little light after dark, dayo sleeps when the sun goes down but she will always get up to visit with me if I get home late and I am glad she has the option to do this since she is not caged. Also she is always the first one up in the morning and flies down to start doodling about... first order of business, get the dog off the bed. Once that is accomplished she plays with stuff for a bit and soon enough will start nibbling on my ear until I give in and get up. Then the whole gang moves together into the kitchen to see about breakfast... we do everything together :)

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bluedawg... Bedtime is their decision! After monitoring their bedtime desires for two months when they were all first together, they established the time... I just reinforced it! I always started winding down, an hour before. No extra stimuli at seven, books at seven thirty if I could work it out. Of course I always had a stray walkout past bedtime. A quick snuggle and back to bed. Now they put themselves to bed ( at eight). I miss those stragglers who use to come out!

No... the birdroom is not closed, nor are they put inside their cage. They sleep where they want, whether on gym or top of cage. I put them on their door of cage when they straggle! Nancy

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Thanks for that Nancy. I understand now. Very helpful! I have to work for now around my school schedule so for now there are a couple nights a week when I won't be around to reinforce but since reading what you and others have said here I do take her and put her up around 8:00. It seams to help her make the decision to go to bed if I place her up there.

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