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Bed Time


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LOL Reminds me of a rather expensive and inoffensive looking toy I bought for Timber. It was a bundle of fiberous straw type things which is similar to one he already has hanging in his cage (he loves that one). It is slightly bigger and has different colors. After watching him give it the stink eye from a distance for six months, I gave up and put it away.

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bluedawg...I am from Rochester, NY.My flockmembers are: Ryan, age 21, Sean age 18, Kiki an Amazon age 12, Sophie a grey age 12, Sunny a sunconure (rescue), age undetermined but old. This site is great! I'm not great with computers, but everyone here always helps me. You can't go wrong! There are soooo many here with experience and many who have none! What a perfect fit. If you struggle with any computer issues, let us know. You are part of our family now. I am soooo excited! Nancy

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I want to get her in an Aviator harness but so far handling her in the manner she will need to allow to get the harness on is out of the question and the "how to" video that comes with it shows you how to do it on a totally docile bird. I did let her hang out with it to get used to it and she chewed right through the teather part so I see where they could not be left unsupervised outside in the harness - not to mention the predator situation.



Are you talking about the part that wraps around your wrist? Our Greycie has tried a time or two to gnaw that in half and never succeeded so I figured the makers of the harness figured out how to make it chew proof. This is not good news if your Grey chewed right through it. I never leave mine unattended when I take her out but she's constantly working on it. This means I'm going to have to be paranoid about the chew factor now.

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I am sorry I was exaggerating a bit... she didn't chew "right through it" I left her alone with it and didn't notice how much she was chewing on it. She had gone through it in a few hours. But yes, definitely keep an eye on it - this was a new one and chew resistant so they are not chew proof.

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Hi, if I may, I mention this every once in a while, Go to a pet store and get a small cat/dog lease, [real cheap] the same color as you harness, cut it off about 3 inches below the holding loop, use this to practice putting it over your parrots head, if they chew on it, it doesn't matter.....

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  • 1 year later...

An update... Dayo now sleeps on a perch in my room with me. She never screams in the morning anymore. If she wakes up before me she first chases the dog off the bed and then quietly plays with toys until I get up. If I take too long she will walk around on me and find ways to annoy me until I get up. I never lock her in her cage... The door is always open.

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I am afraid I break all the rules on bed times. As I am a night bird myself I rarely go to bed before midnight. Misty stays up with me. He tells me when it is bedtime with "It's bed time" and he will get quite insistent if he thinks I am ignoring him. When he gets to "It's bedtime now OK?!" I have to take notice. We go through the bathroom ritual and then to his sleep cage. It is semi covered so he can choose for himself. He will also snooze in the daytime as he sees fit. He will sometimes play about with me before he will let me put him into sleep by flying off. but again this seems to be part of his bed time ritual because I never have to coerce him. I just retrieve him and offer him to his cage door and he will go in. As I leave the room I bid him to sleep well and good night. He will usually reply with " Bedtime baby" and a squeak. In the morning I get greeted with "Hello" or "Hello baby" then off we go to the bathroom. His morning greeting always helps to start the day well. :)


Steve n Misty

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That sounds awesome too - I find Dayo is very flexible. If I get home late from work she puts herself to bed but wakes when I come home and I hear the flapping of wings and a soft landing on my shoulder as she joins me on my way into the kitchen. She never wants to miss out on what's going on in the kitchen :)

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We have posted stake-outs watching the entrance to the kitchen. If someone enters the kitchen and rounds the corner out of sight, you can bet there will be three incoming somebirdys to see what's happening. It's fun to watch because one lands on the faucet over the sink, one on the fridge and Toby usually skids across the countertop while turning a partial circle. Funny birds...

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I always wondered about this mandatory bed time until we built an aviary. It allowed us to see our birds actually get tired and 'want' to go to bed. Before the aviary and now while we can't use it they do not want to go to bed until late. 8:30-9pm for the littles, they actually will start their bed time grooming shortly before they want to go. GreycieMae just never wants to go so she gets the forced march down the hallway around 9-9:30.


During the days when we can use the aviary, they will sometimes go around 7 and get cranky if we don't take them to bed.

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How does the Aviary work? They sleep there so you get to observe them going to bed when they want? Or do you take them from the Aviary to their cages? I imagine They probably would go to bed around dusk in the wild which of course varies greatly throughout the year also we have the ability to turn on lights so you have to add light into the equation so a blanket rule like all birds should go to bed at 8:00 might be a little too rigid.

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They do not sleep overnight in the aviary - no way I'd ever take a chance like that. As it is, when they are out during the day our dogs are present to fend off anything that would dare come near, including hawks.


When sunset is approaching they get very flighty and fighty in the aviary. They DO NOT like being out there as dark approaches. So we bring them in and have some hang time until bedtime.


Once they do establish a bedtime and I know what it is, I do try to adhere to it whether they like it or not. Keeping them on a schedule is easier than letting them set ALL the ground rules - haaahaaa.

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Dorian starts making his 'cranky birdy' sounds around 8:00, and if I don't respond by getting his bedtime pistachio and putting him in his cage, the window of opportunity closes and he gets bitey. He has such a cute routine. I give him a nut which he eats, then a minute or two of scritches, lights out, and he climbs over to his sleep perch, pausing upside down on the way for a 'kisses' through the cage bars. Then from the doorway I tell him night night sleep tight, his tail wags, he throws a kiss and I close the door.


This has not always been the case. He used to fight me about bedtime. I had to chase him around his play stand trying to get him to step up, which he mostly thought of as a game. It was only after countless episodes of this, when he realized that he never won this 'game', that he started to step up like a good boy when I asked. Then I started giving him a treat for going to bed when I asked him to. Now it's him asking to go to bed.

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