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Plucking downfeathers


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My CAG has been plucking her downfeathers for quite some time now.. 1½ months i guess. I've never seen that behaviour before so I'm not familiar with it at all. There is no bare spots on her, however, when she does that funny move with her throat when cuddling her under her beak, I can see her skin. 90% of the time she plucks her downfeather on her throat, but occasionlly also on her back just above her tail and on her neck. She is going through a heavy molt loosing between 15-20 feathers a day! Also a lot of pinfeathers on her neck and head. She has had lice before, but my vet told me she don't have them anymore... I'm beginning to doubt that. She is out of her cage 7-9 hours each day.. Some days it is not that much but in average 7-9 hours each day...

She is 15 months old and I've had her since she was 2½-3 months old. She has been on a seed diet, then a pellet diet, then a seed diet.... now she is eating Harrison's High Potency. I've been trying to get her to eat both pellets and seeds but that seem to be impossible. She is offered fresh fruit and veggies every day. She is not that good eating veggies but she will eat almost every fruit available. She does get some veggies when I mix them with sweet potato, brown rice, beans or eggs. :)

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With spring fully here and summer just a few weeks away, those down feathers are flying out on most our parrots. It is normal for this time of year. I have to mist the tray with water before removing to clean so I don't have down feathers scattered through out my house. Also, regular small feathers around the neck, chest etc. are molting out as well. Right now Dayos neck is like scratching a wire brush. :P Break out the 100 percent Aloe juice and mist your grey thoroughly to keep the skin and feathers supple and less irritating.

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Thanks for your reply :) But is it also normal they rip them off? I know that they lose downfeathers and that is all normal but Lulu pluck them off. I mean, I can hear her plucking them.. She HATES taking bathes and being misted so that is unfortunately not an option. I tried the Soother Spray and she also hated it despite it being so fine, however, I did manage to mist her with it 2-3 times a day until the bottle was empty but she did not like it. I will not "force" her to do that again.


Please excuse my poor English :)

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Ok, most greys do not like taking a bath at all. Regardless of their dislike and running around as you mist/spray them. You really need to use a spray bottle filled with 100 percent Aloe Juice and and drench her as best you can. It is for her good even though she does not like it. When they are that itchy it irritates them and they become rather desperate for relief for those prickly feathers and down feathers. I know it's difficult to do something you see your much loved grey absolutely hates, but you must. My grey Dayo hates it as well, but he gets it 2 ot 3 times a week. :)

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Pookie CAG swears Greys should never get wet and that it never rains where her kind originated, she gets spray misted anyway. Spray above them so it falls over them rather than at them it is much less traumatic. Whisper a Cameroon Grey loves baths makes the spray mister sound as soon as she sees it and goes into bath mode before I even get to her turn. Smartee Pants TAG runs away and Smokey Joe CAG just tolerates it. They all get a turn to keep them healthy and comfortable. Even plain water is a help.

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Gemma gets angry at her down feathers. She'll preen and pull one out, then toss her head around with it. It will go flying and usually land somewhere back on her. She proceeds to angrily try to throw it off, then as it's floating down she'll grab at it again and fling it. SO FUNNY!

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Ok, most greys do not like taking a bath at all. Regardless of their dislike and running around as you mist/spray them. You really need to use a spray bottle filled with 100 percent Aloe Juice and and drench her as best you can. It is for her good even though she does not like it. When they are that itchy it irritates them and they become rather desperate for relief for those prickly feathers and down feathers. I know it's difficult to do something you see your much loved grey absolutely hates, but you must. My grey Dayo hates it as well, but he gets it 2 ot 3 times a week. :)


Dan, if you direct the mist upwards, like you are supposed to, and let it fall down on their head and not spray it in their face, how in the world can you get the spray on their belly/chest?

I must be stoopid, because I can't figure this out. My girl seems so itchy on her chest. Yet, if i spray there, I will be spraying into her face. Help!

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I am quite lucky because my three parrots love to be misted right down to their skin. They spread their wings and open their feathers so that they can become completely drenched. I always use a fine mist and spray upward at my parrots. They usually go to the top perch on their playtops so that they can really get wet. In fact they will turn in circles so that they can be totally sprayed. Spray upward and see if that helps.

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You can spray up, you can spray down! Sophie refuses to have anything to do with a bath, or spray. She doesn't chew her feathers, but understands she needs to get clean! I empathize with her, she understands its going to happen. I use to avoid being the " bad guy", eventually I understood, she would rather it be me. I let her know, its going to happen. I still don't do it, but I'm there to support her. She trusts me. Nancy

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Lol--Gracie sometimes seems to like her baths and other times just tolerates them.Before I spray her I say.."Gracie want a bath?" She immediately stops whatever she is doing and walks to the back of her cage top as if awaiting the inevitable. I have made up a little bathtime song whenever I spray her, and sometimes she flaps her wings and chirps along with the tune. Other times she just hunkers down and gives me the evil eye. Regardless, after the bath I can tell she feels good. She always sings and preens happily after bathtime.

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Have you tried taking her out in the sunshine - just 15 minutes a day. It made all the difference with my guy. He quit barbering his feathers in a few days, and hasn't since. Plus, my vet advised that he may be low in calcium, and to give him a cooked chicken drumstick BONE every week. He and the other parrots relish this treat which is high in calcium and other nutrients. Good luck.

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