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What should I do about my greys feathers?!?!


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I got my baby from a local breeder about a month ago. He is 6 months old. When I got him I noticed that his chest feathers were somewhat eaten up. I asked the owner what had happened and he said that he did not have enough time to play with it and give it a good diet. He was only feeding it a seed diet. It has not gotten any better since. He is not a feather plucker. We have bonded already, he loves when i scratch and rub his head. I feed him a mix of seeds, and pellets, with some fruits, and vegetables. He is very picky on his vegetables. So far I have been trying to feed him broccoli, green beans, and snow peas and he eats a very little amount of it. I am starting to panic. Should I take him into a vet? Nothing seems to be wrong. But every day it looks as if his feathers are getting eaten and frilled. Has anybody seen anything like this? (See attached picture) I have been giving him a lot of attention so I do not know what I should do now.


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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

Congrats on your new baby!


Have you put him on a good pellet feed?


He might still be getting use to his new environment if you've had him for only a month.


How much time do you spend with him on a regular basis? Are there other people or animals in the vicinity that might be bothering him?


Some greys can be just plain pluckers. Otherwise, he may be doing it when you're gone. For example, I never witness Solomon plucking his feathers, but I know he does because he gets a bald spot on the front of his neck and underneath his wings. He shares my room so I can closely monitor him. He just might have separation anxiety. Solomon will start to act sporadic and anxious when he knows I'm leaving the house even though I do my best to make him feel at ease. Have you noticed anything like that in your grey?


I've taken him to the vet and he's received a clean bill of health so I know it wouldn't be attributed to a medical issue.


If your baby hasn't been taken to an avian vet, I would suggest you do so just to have peace of mind, rule out any medical problems and to have a medical record in case anything does happen in the future. Otherwise, behavioral issues could be worked on over time.


Let us know how it goes and don't worry about it (they can pick up on that too and cause further plucking).



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