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Does your bird call you?


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When I leave the room, Klaus calls out to me. Usually a wolf whistle, or half a wolf whistle. Sometimes a peep, peep, peep (where are you????).

And yes, I answer him. I'm sure I'd look quite insane to the casual observer.

Also, if my husband is holding him and I walk through the room, he gives me the "baby in peril!" routine. I don't know how else to describe it, but it's a desparate peeping noise that I interpret to mean, "Help me, mom! I'm in trouble!"

It's funny because I'm told Klaus is fine with others when I'm not around.

I was wondering if anyone else's grey does this sort of thing...

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Josey calls with more of a peep, peep and I do answer her, she just wants to know where I am.


This evening she was on her playtop on the side of her cage and was scratching and digging on the side and what she wanted was for me to get her and put her on her mobile playstand that was nearer to me.

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Dayo starts with Peeps, then goes to the Wolf whistle and increases the Volume until we either acknowledge him or he finally gives up.


If Dayo is with me and Kim walks in, Dayo does the little child dance and peeps until Kim picks him up or he flies/runs/hops over to her. :-)

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Mine doesn't have one single sound he uses to call me...it's pretty much whatever he feels like doing. We contact call each other all the time and it's one of his fav games. He calls with the wolf whistle and I do the same back, then he will do the lazer beam noise and I repeat it...it cracks him up because he will just start laughing and laughing in between calls. :laugh:

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Radar will scream my name as loud as possible. Then I say "what Radar" & he says "Git in Here". Funniest thing I ever heard. Debbie<br><br>Post edited by: radar, at: 2007/09/27 21:13

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Ponti will usually start with a "Tweet!" that's like the standard grey, "where are you!" call, and then goes to the wolf-whistle, to which one of us in the house usualy replies, "why, thank you". That usually makes her happy.


and if you're in the room with her but not over by her, and she wants you to come to her, she'll say, "Come here!"..."Come here!"..."come on!" and makes a sharp click click sound that I can tell from the tone she's trying to command action! it's funny!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chico does the peep thing if he can't see me but if he can see me he calls me Chica (he loves his name so much that he tought it was mine too :lol: so after failed attempts to get him to say my name we settled on the gender correct version :blush: )Also he uses different parts of the wolf whistle to greet my 2 sisters and my bro gets a perfect inmation of his own voice saying "What'd up" :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: mosfatal, at: 2007/10/25 21:22

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I almost want to start a new thread, but I wonder what they do in the wild.. I've noticed a "theme" of all of our birds doing the wolf-whistle. I know that we didn't show Makena how to do that, as we don't whistle at him, he just started doing it one day, and now all the time. Does anyone know if it is instinctual, it'd be funny to be walking through the Congo, and hearing wolf whistles. Just my random thought for the day. :P

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Sparky does the peeping and then as soon as he sees me or hears me, he does the wolf whistle. Of course, it is drowned by the conures, quaker, etc. all screaming for my attention at the same time. So as not to make anyone jealous, I answer "hello babies". Then I usually make Sparky's formula and give him some one on one. Lately, he wants out alot more, even after just having eaten. I will take him out and hold him awhile, then put him back because I can't put him on his playpen anymore until his flight feathers grow back. One split keel is enough for me. Incidently, my son taught him the wolf whistle.

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Klaus has recently expanded his whistle repertoire to include the whistle you would use to call a dog. I asked my husband if he taught him that, and he said no. But we do have two dogs and if my husband lets one in the house and the other doesn't show up right away, he whistles for the straggler. So, Klaus must have got it from listening to my husband do it every day. So, now we have the wolf whistle, the "c'mere dog" whistle, and sometimes a combination of the two. :lol:

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Boo calls the dogs. He starts off with "their" whistle then it goes on to their names, "Elvs (he has never learned to say Elvis properly) com'ere. Come on boy, Tucker... Elvs... come on, here boy."


Then he proceeds to dish out his pellets to the boys. He will NOT eat his pellets even though I continue to give them to him. But the dogs seem to like them just fine.

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One time I was feeding some baby mocking birds, and Rockelle didn't like that much. She shouted "HANNAH!!!" and I said "Yes, Rockelle."

"Come 'ere"

"I can't, Rockelle, I'm feeding the babies."

"COME HERE NOW!!!" I felt compassionate and went over.

"What, Rockelle."

She tilted her head and said "Hi!"

This conversation went on three or four times. It was great. :)

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  • 2 months later...

My favorite is not with my but my father's grey "JoJo". I was house and bird sitting for them while in the bathroom getting ready to go out when I heard a loud"Help! Help! Uh-Oh! Watch out!" Upon looking around the corner I found JoJo in the top of the cage while the cat was eyeing him hungerly. Upon shooing and scolding the cat JoJo then called the cat by name with a here kitty kitty kitty and her evil laugh. Not used to Greys I almost lost it...lol



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We have a house alarm and when I leave and set it, it makes high pitched beeping sounds in a specific sequence and finishes with one long beep.


When ever I leave the room, Bella makes that sound perfectly and in sequence exactly the way the alarm makes it LOL!


When the dogs run outside and I ask her "Bella what do the doggies say?" She goes "woof wooof woof", so now when they go out, she runs to the window and does the woof woof woof LOL!

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Pepper learned my name a couple years ago. Sometimes when I'm in the study on the computer she will call out my name over and over, "Richard . . . Richard . . . Richard . . . each with a slightly different inflection. One time I counted 24 Richards!! I usually wait until she stops for awhile before I go to her. She's like a little kid wanting her daddy.

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