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Does your bird call you?


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Klaus' latest is "falling." He falls off his lowest perch with a "klunk" then does some pitiful flapping 'til someone comes running. He did it earlier today when I was cleaning the bathroom (he's safely in his cage when that's going on...don't want him near cleaning solutions) and tricked my husband into letting him out. :lol:

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max says hello when he first sets eyes on you and when you walk out the room he keeps wolf whistling and screaming hello till you answer him .and you know when he wants anything because as soon as you walk in the room with food he jumps to the front of his cage and keeps saying hello there till you give him something

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Mine makes only one sound so far. It sounds like the smoke alarm beep when the battery is low. Not alot though... Last night, I came home after about 3 hours of being away and said hello to him when I came in the door. He had been quiet before this so I was told. When I passed him to go into the kitchen, he started with the beeping noise and would not stop until I came back into the dining room where he was! I think he was telling me he was excited that I was home! I hope I was not reading too much into that...Wishful thinking?

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I think that was exactly what he was telling you, he was truly excited to have you home and he wanted you to pay him some attention instead of passing him by. They do not like being ignored so it was not wishful thinking.


And believe me he will start making a lot more sounds than that beep, just give him some time and he will start imitating all sorts of sounds and then words.

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Our two Greys call to us constantly, there is a conversation going on all the time - with hello's, come on thens, and a wide variety of whistles, chuckles and what I can only describe as cackles. To the casual observer or to those unlucky enough not to live with one (or more) of these remarkable birds we must seem totally gaga, and they would wonder where they put the butterfly net, just in case.

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Harrison will say "where's Heather?" "Where's Denis?" (my husband) and "Where's Valerie" (our disabled roommate)...she's generally alone when she says it...I don't recall her saying it while hanging with us in the living room. She also says "c'mere" but she's always scratching her head when she says it...almost like she's scratching a flea and telling it to "come here!"...lol

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  • 1 year later...

Now, whenever I leave the room for too long or Hewie feels like playing with someone else, he'll go, "Come!" or "Come here!" Sometimes he'll even garner attention by pretending to be sick, i.e. fake coughing and sneezing.<br><br>Post edited by: AzureClarity, at: 2009/04/01 14:40

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As soon as I start to walk away from them they make the Microwave beep noise (but 10 times louder). I think they noticed that when the microwave beeps, people go to it, so they are beeping thinking I will come back.

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This is a great thread goes back to 9/07. It was very interesting to read through it. So I will also add to it:


Ana Grey is almost 8 months old and is still "practicing." When she wants my attention or hears me she says, "Do, do" I think its part of the phrase I am trying to teach her "What'yu doing?" It's cute whatever it means to her!!!

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Love Hannah Raes story. Mosfatal makes a point I've been wondering about. Do the birds understand the concept of names? Tobie will call the dogs one by one. Let's go Pogo, come on Tucker etc. But I'm not sure he looks at Tucker and knows Tucker is his name. When I walk into the room he sais "What's up Tobie". I keep saying to him, "you're Tobie, I'm mama, or I'm big bird (he used to say what's up big bird). I think he understands that "What's up Tobie" is a greeting, but doesn't know he just asked himself what's up. Do Your birds know their own names?

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These are such delightful stories!

Jenna evidently has a two-tone sound that she only uses for me, at least according to my mom who lives with us and is at home during the day while I am at work ~smiles~ If I don't respond right away Jenna starts demanding "What are you DOING??? Want a shower? You are a GIRL! You're so bird! Hi sweetheart. Are you my baby bird?" She is so funny!

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My amazon"Lyric" call's me,He says "Mommy,where are you?" I say,"I'm right here!",then he says"Are You There?",I say 'Here I am" and he says"O.K."

Now Shado,my grey,is calling me in Lyrics voice!!

If he doesn't add a beep,I have to look twice to see

who it was!!!!lol{Feel-good-0002006E}I love being called "mommy",lol


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