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Noodle flew the coop!


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AAAAHHH! I haven't had time to post about this since I've been so busy at work, but it's high time it went up here. A couple days ago, Noodle flew out the back door and down about three blocks! His wings are trimmed (not fully clipped) and we didn't even know he could pick up that much velocity and altitude. We found him on the side of someone's house, clucking and whistling for his daddy. THANK GOD he was ok - just a little bump on the nose. Cody brought him home, and he hasn't seemed too shaken up, unlike Cody and I. We almost lost our baby!


I guess the moral of this story is that greys can surprise you; we didn't think that Noodle was such a strong flier, especially with trimmed wings, but man can he just power on through. Please, please be careful as the weather warms up with open windows and doors! I don't want to see anyone else go through this or something worse.


Happy summer and much love,

SaladNinja and Noodle

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Thank you for your post. I am so happy that you were able to quickly bring Noodle home.


I can attest to the ability of a "clipped" grey. When I purchased my CAG, Sterling Gris, big 505g guy, he could fly despite the clipping. He was more clumsy than my TAG and ZON who were not clipped but Sterling Gris could hold his own in the flight area.

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AAAAHHH! I haven't had time to post about this since I've been so busy at work, but it's high time it went up here. A couple days ago, Noodle flew out the back door and down about three blocks! His wings are trimmed (not fully clipped) and we didn't even know he could pick up that much velocity and altitude. We found him on the side of someone's house, clucking and whistling for his daddy. THANK GOD he was ok - just a little bump on the nose. Cody brought him home, and he hasn't seemed too shaken up, unlike Cody and I. We almost lost our baby!


I guess the moral of this story is that greys can surprise you; we didn't think that Noodle was such a strong flier, especially with trimmed wings, but man can he just power on through. Please, please be careful as the weather warms up with open windows and doors! I don't want to see anyone else go through this or something worse.


Happy summer and much love,

SaladNinja and Noodle


Thank God, bless you

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I didn't know if I had the strength to read about a lost grey, but I couldn't resist being here when a forum friend is in need of a kind word. What a relief that you found Noodle so quickly. For him, for you and for us, just a total wash of relief has come over me. Thanks for sharing, if not for these moments of fear and relief, we wouldn't reach those moments of unbridled joy that was yours when you reunited. Gilbert can't fly because of damaged wings, but every day I treat him as if he can fly with great skill and who knows, there may come a day when he surprises us.

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