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Blue and Gold


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Being a newbe to homing a macaw, my knowledge is a learn as you go adventure. With the help and advice of many great people here i am happy so say his transition went well considering all he was up against! I will try and add to this thread with what i have learned living with Oliver:


Blue and Gold macaws are said to be the most affectionate of the large macaws. Scarletts are said to be the nippiest. My boy will get on my chest, lay his head down and fall asleep. His kisses use to be real scary to me because, i now know, he kisses with his tongue out of the side of his beak. When he came toward me with his beak apart i would close my eyes and hope for the best, but it was and still is a wonderful thing!


Eating. It funny, he eats what ever i have offered him except peanut butter. Well, he tries whatever i offer him, that doesn't mean he will ever eat it. His favorite is pecans right now!


Noise level. If he wants something and we are not quick enough, his screams will rattle not only our windows but our neighbors as well. I have been able to coach mine into saying hello when he wants our attention, but he only says it when i am home, if it is just him and my hubby, Olivers screams win! Oliver trained my hubby well. He talks very clearly, but only says hello and really.


I don't know what i could add health wise as mine was sickly when he came to live with us and has tested positive for pdd. He has cronic breathing issues as his nasal cavities have been scarred. With a good diet and regular steaming and bathing we have gotten it to a sniffle now. Weight gain has been slow going but it is atleast going up! Like any bird, fresh food, fresh water, veggies and some fruits, pellets ( Zupreem, Nut Blend) are a necessity. I do have a seed mix for him at all times also, but he just sticks his head into the bowl and mumbles.

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Hi Murfchck! A very important part of a Macaw's diet which is a high-fat content diet, is macadamia nuts and palm nuts. They can be Red palm nuts, Queen palm nuts and others. Give them a lot of beta-carotene (carrots, yellow veggies) besides your normal leafy green veggies. Patience, Patience, Patience...I will check around for a decent palm nut distributor. Give me a day or two...

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Thanks. Are we using these threads for informational reasons or just as a specific area for this breed of bird? I ask because i have purchased the Feather-In that has been suggested by Dave for pluckers. I was going to do a photo journal for everyone to track his progress and didn't know if i should do it here or on his orginal thread.

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Thanks. Are we using these threads for informational reasons or just as a specific area for this breed of bird? I ask because i have purchased the Feather-In that has been suggested by Dave for pluckers. I was going to do a photo journal for everyone to track his progress and didn't know if i should do it here or on his orginal thread.


Hi murfchck, do everything here, this site is for you....This is for everything Macaw...YEA!!!! We'd love to have your "Photo jouRnal' here. Thanks Jay

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Well, my Feather-in should be here tomorrow. Fingers crossed everyone and be ready to be amazed!!! Haha!

I mentioned how he was a lover, i am including a photo of him during our "right before dinner" love fest!

As an after thought to this, for those who do not know Oliver i am adding a photo of him on the second day in his new home with us. This was near the end of January, 2012. We were told he is seven years old.



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He stole our hearts thats for sure! He loves being outside too, every time we open the back door to let the dogs out, up goes his foot and if he could bat his eyes at us he would. As it is he tilts his head to one side and coos at us, just begging to be taken out. He has started getting braver too, he climbs off his cage and wanders around his room, up the baby gate at the door and only once ventured past that. I feel that will be changing soon and he will be going where he wants, when he wants. He does have a frozen wing so he isn't a flyer except when my husband holds him and runs around. He pumps his little wings like he is flying to the highest tree. When they stop, he will turn his head upside down looking up like, man, i know i should be way up there in that tree by now. I don't get to play that game with him as his balance isn't very good and when you add that to me being a clutz, it isn't safe for him. Lol

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You can be a clutz, you can be newbe, you can be a person who is just found out about macaws and still be the best thing that will ever happen to him.

Good luck with him

Edited by Ray P
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Well oh well, today was day one with the feather-in. I am a bad mama, and no wonder my cooking is so awful! When you don't know the diff between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, STAY AWAY FROM THE KITCHEN! My poor little boy looked and more than likely felt awful. I read and re read the directions for two days, went to the store early this afternoon and bought a brand new spray bottle, 8 ozs like it said. I came home and eagerly mixed it up. I took Oliver outside and sprayed him down, soaking him like it said. Within minutes he looked like he bathed in a mud bath. His feathers were caked to him and when he dried, dust was everywhere just falling from him. Within a few hours i agreed with my husband to bath him again with straight water to wash that stuff off of him. Friends came over this evening and while we were sitting outside it hit me! I used tablespoons and not teaspoons. I am feeling so bad, it made him pick at his feathers to get that stuff off and his little down feathers were coming out with each groom he tried to do! How stupid can i be! Okay so starting tomorrow it will not be day two of feather-in, but day -5 of it! Gesh, what a dope i am!

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(Hi, Maggie typing for Jay) Murfchck, it's okay!! No harm done...you didn't hurt him in any way and you are definitely not stupid! The fact of the matter is, it probably felt really good...Jay (Maggie)

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Oh it was awful... His feathers were stuck to him and the more he tried to unstick them the more he ended up pulling out! On the bright side, he took his first real bath/ shower today! No squacking about it, he couldn't wait to get wet and get that stuff off of himself. His feathers still have residue on them and he was soaking wet after his shower! I am not giving up, just letting him get past this a day or two. And next time i am going to use the scoop that came in the container that i just found this morning! Lol

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We have had a feather sighting on his back, going to start the feather in tomorrow. Got some cute pictures tonight that i will post tomorrow so we can track his feather growth. I tried to get his chest, back and tummy. One picture, i think, ( they are downloading still ) is him eating a red chili pepper from our garden!

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Oliver looks so good in those new pics, he has come a long way from when you first brought him into your life and your home, I can only imagine how good he will look in time, he is such a lucky fella to land in your lap, thanks for sharing the pics with us keep em coming.

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Oohh my goodness! I mixed my feather-in up and from my previous post of my boo boo, boy did i mess it up! I pulled the scoop out and it was so tiny that i again reread the directions. At first i mixed 4 tablespoons and after spraying this mud on him, noticed it should have been 4 teaspoons. This morning however after reading it again, 4 scoops = 1 teaspoon. Needless to say, spraying him this morning was soooo much easier and my bottle didn't clog up either. My husband hasn't stopped laughing at me! Fingers crossed!

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Feather in update:

Well if it doesn't work for him, it won't go to waste. That stuff is great for both cuts and bites! I cut my arm this morning at work and it hurt and was red, when i got home and saw the spray i thought, lets just see how this works. Its wonderful! Took the pain away within minutes and within a half an hour the red puffy was gone. Mosquito bites got ya scratching? Feather in!

He got the ones we saw on his back but i won't call it quits! This is just day 2. :-)

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I can't believe i forgot to mention this... Olivers vet called to check up on him and he was pleased with his progress. Both Oliver and Stewart go in next month, Oliver for his pdd recheck and Stewart will get tested. I almost don't want to know if Stewart is infected now, it would just cause heartbreak and there would be nothing i could do to change things as it is what it is.

And... Drum roll.... Oliver is picking up new words, clearly. As his mommy i could understand him but now others can too! I tend to say, really?, to him when he gets to playing and tossing things on the floor. (as much as he thinks i need the bending exercise, i don't wanna) Last night he started in with his hellos then started with really? then it went to ever and then a new phrase which isn't clear but getting better. Heehee!

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Heres a question... Oliver started his regurging for me as normal but then he put his beak on my arm and pinched me, not painfully, then brought his food up again and pinched me again? Is this normal? He always regurgitates, vet told me not to worry about it but, if he is going to pinch me each time now it won't be cute much longer! Lol I had walked out back and he could see me through the window and went nuts! I started bobbing my head like he does when he gets excited and by gosh he started to copy me, if i moved left, he mirrored me, move right he would follow. Cutest thing ever!

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