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Ray P

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I was over in the other birds room reading all the post in the new group of sub rooms over there.

Cricket was on my shoulder and she lowered her head as if she was reading what I was typing. I think I heard her say "Other birds room, what the hell are you doing over there" "Cockatiels, They live in the next cage, Why are you writing about them". "You belong in the Amazon room"

OK, Maybe I stretched the truth on that one and maybe because as I was reading all the posts in the new sub rooms and I was not giving Cricket all the attention she thinks she deserved.

So I thought I better get back over here and talk about zons be for Penny(AKA Talon) terminatrs me as a mod and hires some one new for less money.

I am looking for members that have zons with special talants.

Like does any one have a zon that can toot the alphabet.

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OMG! That's hilarious! Cricket is right, Nilah said she was feeling snubbed too. So I posted the video of her new toy!


She is always trying to show off on this forum. Tonight, as usual, she tried to bully Talon off of the top of the kitchen cabinet, well, I think Talon has had ENOUGH (as Nilah likes to yell) and she must have refused to move, I don't know if she bit Nilah anywhere, or what happened exactly, but next thing I knew, Nilah yelled and flew off onto the tree stand in the kitchen. She started yelling quite loudly, " NO! NO NO! TALON NO! ENOUGH! STOP STOP STOP, I WANT YOU TO STOP! NO NO STOP ENOUGH!" And of course you could see she was quite upset,many carried on for several minutes. I tried to calm her and talk quietly to her, but she didn't want to hear it, she continued to be upset and scream at Talon.


Hee hee, personally, she has bullied Talon, and I thought, YAY Talon, you go girl, it's about time she stood up for herself

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I would love to hear more about Cricket Ray. You really don't talk about her very much and I would love to get to know her!!! Louie is always into something and so is Nilah it seems and I have heard a great tale or two about Salsa. So get to posting about Cricket!!! Can't wait to hear more about her!

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Exactly, back to Zons! You know in my secret heart of hearts, a zon is in my future. My distant future perhaps, but nonetheless, I know from reading about Cricket, Louie, Talon and Salsa and from seeing just one of these energetic little characters up close and personal, I need to read and see some more to nudge me over the edge into full blown MBS.

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