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Steps up with joy but will not step down


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Rita is now about 10 years old and we have had her about 3 years. Lately she will not get off my finger and back on to any of her perches. She wants to be with me or my husband and will not leave us. She used to step off to her perch easily, especially with a treat (raw cashew) but now she wants to stay on my finger or my lap. If I don't pet her she nips at me. In the morning she is only happy if she sits on our table while we have breakfast. She enjoys tearing up the newspaper which we provide for her. We love that she wants to be with us but I need to be able to put her on her perch when I want to. Any suggestions are welcome.

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Thank you kins and chezron,

I probably have to come up with a more desirable treat. It's funny how her grasp gets tighter and tighter when she doesn't want to release. Those little claws have an iron grip. However, she is so lovable that we can't get annoyed.

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My birds 2 greys and an amazon have all learned what "step down" means. I never use "step up" unless I am asking them to step onto me. If they give me a hard time about stepping down, I explain to them why they have to step down, so etimes telling them to 'hop down' and that mama will be right back.

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