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Help! 9 week baby started climbing cage...


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My Grey is around 9 week old, and I had gotten him a cage. He is climbing the cage despite the height and I am worried that he will not be able to get down by himself or fall. I am not sure I am doing the right thing by removing him of the climb but I am seriously worried that he might injured himself.


Please help as I believe this cage is rather high for his age now.



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It is natural for them to climb. Please snure you have plenty of padding on the bottom like towels in case a fall does occur. Also, please place perches low like 3 inches off the bottom so you baby can get used to perching on them and place food and wate bowls on the bottom as well for now.

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My CAG is 8 weeks old and I am waiting to purchase a cage. My breeder told me not to cage her until she is fully feathered. This is my Grey--at 9 weeks is your bird fully feathered? Your cage looks awesome and from observing my bird, climbing and exploring is a must. Please let us know how your Grey is doing with the cage and adjustments. :)

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