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is it okay to shower bird everyday?


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momo is molting now,which seems quite bad because he scratch alot and preening agresively.

its very hot here,no rain for a month and i have to always switch on AC 24 hours.

few days i realize he start to preen to much and its quite scare me because he almost doing it all the-all the time.ive seen a lot of dust coming from him and he shake his fur frequently.he sneezing often too.

i try to give him simple misting but complete shower seems help him more.he can sleep and relax everytime i make him wet 100%.


my question is,is it okay to shower him everyday?some people said dont,some people said yes,some people said once a week etc.the vet said shower him today and dont shower him another day,the next day shower him again.but i see him frustated by dry skin if i skip the everyday shower.please i really wait for the reply.

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Showering every day would not be good for your grey, as your vet said. Every other day may be ok, but you need to start drenching your grey with 100 percent Aloe Juice from a misting bottle after you have showered him. This will help make soft and ease the itching.

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I want to add something here! I live in Dubai and it's really hot in here, so we turn the A/Cs 24/7 too. Showering the bird and then expose him to the A/C can get him sick and maybe even worse. The same with humans, if i take a shower and face the A/C, i get sick most of the times. I shower DJ twice a week and leave him in the sun to dry out. Take care.

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hi twix,yes i always switch off the ac after i bath momo.here is very hot as well,rain dsnt come and wind also very dusty so we cant open our window too much :(

does DJ scratch and preen often when the weather soo hot too? im starting to worried and im planning to take him to vet.he often puff and shake his fur,all his dander come off really alot.

i just realized this for few days.he never been this bad before.

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Guest XxExoticPsychExX

It's ok, Solomon has been doing it a lot lately too since summer is finally here. When I use aloe vera juice, it helps him a ton. The amount that they begin to preen themselves when their skin is dry due to the hot weather can be kind of scary, but once you use the aloe vera juice you'll see a tremendous difference!


I used it today and Solomon has stopped over preening himself. Now he's just happy and content. :)

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