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Writing about sweet parakeets reminded me of my childhood growing up on a California farm back in the 1940-60's. I remember as a young farmer's daughter (pick up your minds guys, I was 6). Anyhow, I would go into the feed room that was stacked with oats and grains and seeds for the different animals we had around the farm and I would sit and watch the large aviary full of many different colored parakeets nesting and feeding in this wired in area. I would get all cozy on large burlap feed sacks and watch for hours as the parakeets flinted around their room, fed their babies and chirped and chirped away. It was one of the most peaceful times of the day for me. Certainly as one of the older siblings of seven (7) scruffy kids and I loved it.


Unfortunately these memories are tarnished because on one of the many family/community parties my parents had, which in the spring and summertime included large outdoor fire pit barbecues. Our feed shed full of nesting parakeets caught on fire while everyone was inside watching a boxing match on our new television (our first). By the time anyone noticed the burning shed and garage all my father and uncles could do was unlatch the large parakeet indoor aviary and watch my feathered friends fly away. At least this is how my mind wants to remember my birthday... my birdies all free, safe and flying away.


Thus my love of parrots began with both the loving and brokenhearted memories of my youth.....


My children's first birds were parakeets. Maybe sometime I'll tell you the story of taking one of their parakeet's to the vet to have it's broken leg pinned..... but that's another day.....



Edited by luvparrots
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Love that story. and I understand how you felt.

I have had many Parakeets as a child and as a grown up.

I think the introduction of parrots to many of our lives was parakeets.

As a child if you had a parakeet you had a parrot and that was kind of a big thing back than.

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