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At what age should Bogey start talking?


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I have spoke to a few people asking at what age should I expect Bogey to start talking, he will be 4 months old at the end of this month, so far he has the construction worker pervert whistle down pat and yesterday he was failing and he said uhoh. So far people has told me 6 months old and others said over a year old.

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It all depends on the grey, some talk sooner, some later, some not at all. Both 6 months and over a year and anytime in between can be correct. Talk to Bogey and tell him what you are doing that certainly helps. And by the way if he is saying "uh oh" all ready, he sounds like he is going to be a very quick learner.

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I agree with Luvparrots. Six months is quick. My belief, has always to compare my birds with the development of a child. I don't know, since I got Sophie at age two. She babbled alot, said a few words, but didn't start talking like crazy, until three months later. Kids always complain about how much I talk, so it is understandable, that Sophie talks too much! Like mother, like daughter! LOL Nancy

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One thing I've also noticed, (at least with Archimedes) they're more vocal when they think nobody is home/listening... I'll put Archimedes in the cage and just go in the other room for a bit, about half an hour later is when he starts to babble. My theory is that he practices when he's by himself, and after he's confident enough that he's mastered the vocalization, then he'll show you. (I coulda sworn I heard him say "good boy" a few weeks ago... but I haven't heard him say it since)


point is, chances are he may start talking soon, but he won't let you in on it till weeks or even months later

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Is Bogey a Timneh or a Congo? From what I have read, most Timneh African greys say their first words at about 5-8 months. Congos start later--at about 12-18 months. They are all different. My Gracie (Congo) is 10 months old and she only says one phrase: "Wanna Step Up". Sometimes she says it clearly and sometimes not. She wolf whistles, makes a bomb droppping sound, does a perfect kissing noise when I tell her I love her,occassionally blows rasberries, and barks exactly like my parents' dog--but her human language is coming more slowly. Like Snoepgoed said, sometimes they will vocalize more when you are out of the room. With Gracie, I notice that she uses her vocalizations as contact calls. If I leave the room, I notice she goes through her whole repertoir of sounds. It's like: "Kiss, rasperry, wanna step up, bomb. wolf whistle...etc" Over and 0ver until I respond in kind or come back. Then she shuts up.

Edited by JeffNOK
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My Chickie said "hi" around 5 months, but, just like Gracie, has a huge amount of sounds she makes. Only recently has she added to her vocab. She's 9 months old and has started saying "poop." lol...it's as funny as it sounds :). She's also very close to her first phrase, "what are you doing?". She mumbles it all together, but it's getting clearer every day. I echo what everyone else said, it really all just depends on when, and if, your grey decides to talk. I initially became interested in greys because of their intelligence and speech ability, but now that I have my Chickie and she is such a joy in my life that if she never talked any more she would still be the light of my life. :)

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I did a poll a few year back on this. The predominant age for Congo's is 12 to 14 months. As Jeff stated, TAGs seem to start earlier.


Please note, regardless of what age they start talking is no reflection of how vast their vocabulary will become. Also, some may never talk as stated previously as well. Many never really know when they first start talking because they will sit when no one is around and calibrate in a very low voice until they feel they have mastered down to the last frequency cycle a perfect reflection of how it was said. They for the most part have been talking long before you are ever aware of it.

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