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Just wanted to vent a bit.......we have a local animal shelter called Dakin Anuimal Shelter. When it started many years ago, it was literally almost a shack of a building, trying to rescue and help animals in need. They are a no-kill shelter dealing mostly in cats and dogs, an occassionally bunny or bird, etc. Over the years, they have recieved enough donations to build a better building and start a bigger facility in another area. They offer low cost vaccines and spaying and neutering for anyone.

Their animals are kept in areas out of view from the public, you have to enter, and be allowed to go into the rooms to see those up for adoption. From the outside, it is mostly brick with nothing to see.


This past Tuesday night, someone thru a cinder block through their front window, and went into the building and stole 2 parakeets and a cockatiel..........that was it. Unbelievable!!!! It infuriates me someone did that, there are so many available on Craig's list, it is easy to get a free bird!!! Ugh,

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Who knows what motivates some people. After all there are groups of people who represent themselves as loving animals but then kill them or release them into the wild with no adjustment to enable them to survive on their own. Sometimes it is difficult to have faith in our fellow humans (using that term loosely).

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