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OMG I FINALLY found the toy


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After 2 years of Sasha never playing with any of his toys in his cage, in the past 2 weeks I finally found the "toy" he can't stop playing with: an empty fabric softener container.


I emptied a container about 3 weeks ago and put it in my recycling bin. Well, later that day Sasha took it out of the recycling bin and starting pushing it around on the floor... and continued doing it all evening. For the rest of the week he just kept playing with it: pushing it around, attacking it, standing on it like he has conquered it, hoping around it, etc.

This week I decided to put the container in his cage when I go to work; he will completely ignore his daily treat and go to the bottom of the cage to play with the container. I will come home after my 8 hour work day and there he is still playing with it -- treat untouched.


He won't play with other containers.. not even laundry detergent, just fabric softener. Maybe he likes the smell.. I don't know.


I had pretty much gave up trying to find toys for him since he didn't seem interested in any of them. Well now I need to save all of my fabric softener containers! I hope this will last.

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"He won't play with other containers.. not even laundry detergent, just fabric softener. Maybe he likes the smell.. I don't know."


Please take it away from him and any other containers like it...They can be highly toxic and even kill!!!! No empty aspirin/medicine bottle's, no empty house cleaning bottles at all! Carpet cleaner is deadly as is candles and some foods.The glue on paper towel cardboard rolls, The list is unlimited......

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I have to second what Jayd is saying. While it's great he finally found something he liked... it's not safe... think of it this way... would you fill the container with water and drink from it? Personally I know that I wouldn't... so I wouldn't give it to my grey either. Think of it this way... would you eat from it, or would you give it to a human infant...

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I'm thrilled you found "the one" but like has already been mentioned the product that was in the container makes it dangerous. Get thee to the grocery store and see if you can't find a food container that is a similar size, shape and color. Packages that contain food are held to a higher standard when its comes to glues and they must be non toxic. That said it is best not to take the chance and you should remove the label and glue completely.

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Since Sasha showed an interest in the empty box, you are only one discovery away from the next ultimate toy for her. I have a guy that has been sitting like a sentinel for fifteen months and he is just opening up to try new things. It may not be "the box" that Sasha is finding a fun challenge, she may be getting comfortable enough to seek out a plaything. I do like the idea of a cereal box or other food safe product that will give her a similar delight. You are so good to be finding a way to interact and make life fun for her.

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Sorry we had to rain on your happy day parade. I'm wondering if it's the smell that attracted him. Even after you wash it the plastic still smells faintly, which is what makes it unsafe. Find a similar sized food-grade plastic container and put something with a strong smell in it that's safe, like apple juice. Pour out the juice and see if the remaining smell attracts him to the container. We all have to have a little bit of detective in us to live with these complex little souls.

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