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New to owning a congo african grey in az

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hello everyone,


Just adopted my 1st bird, a 12year old congo african grey. the previous owner had him for 10 years.


He has a big vocabulary and is very vocal


I had never been around birds or even held one. I am amazed at the trust he already has in me/us


this guy is amazing, it's funny he's really all I can think about, I'm laughing to myself right now thinking about what he was saying this morning.


I am a member of many automotive forums, so I know the amazing knowledge that can be learned here.


heres a few pics of Grazy





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Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting photos of your re-homed Grey. :)


Looking forward to hearing more from you and hearing what his vocabulary is like. At 10 years old, I have no doubt it is immense.

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when I got home yesterday my wife informed me that he had said everyone in our familys name through out the day.

he really only talks when either you are not paying attention to him, or you are in another room.


this morning about 5am he started making the noise that a smoke detector makes when the battery is dead, my wife wasn;t to happy, i was laughing to my self, and I walked into the kitchen where his cage is and said good morning, he replied with, "bad grazy" and followed it up with "whatev".


my life has sure changed because of this guy

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Grazy looks so relaxed in your photos. It is a wonderful testament to your successful transfer. I like the picture of her on top of her cage eating her corn on the cob. Pure bliss. Congratulations, you are in for a lot of laughs from your companion. It is a journey of a lifetime. Thanks for joining us.

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Guest candismalli

welcome, and enjoy your Grazy! Not sure about the covering of the cage if she hadn't had it done previously since I am new, did the previous owner do it?

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Welcome to the forum. You'll be surprised how quickly these birds wrap their talons around your heart. Many greys are closet talkers, talking mostly when they're alone or out of sight of the rest of their flock. It's great that he's already saying your family's names. As for covering the cage, the most important thing is that he gets 10-12 hours of dark and quiet sleep time every night. Can you find out from his previous family how they provided this, whether they covered his cage or if they possibly provided a sleep cage? You can never have too much information, and there's no such thing as a stupid question. Glad you decided to give Grazy a new home.

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