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step up training update!!


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hi guys,its being 5 days i teach step up command to momo.all i can say he get the point and everything is going fine.

day 1-he runaway,avoid my finger.

day 2-he runaway,but start to look at my finger.i press his belly softly but no reaction.

day3-still runaway but he put one of his foot on my finger and leave.

day4-he walk away but if i show my hand in front of him,he will step up and jump.

day5-he step up for 2-3 sec and jump.


i dont know if he make a great progress or not but im proud of him since he only bite me 2 times:o

but i have a several question and please reply me,lol.

1)his claws is very sharp.i cant even tolerate him stand more than 3 sec cuz it cause me bleed.

is it okay if i clip them?i heard claws make them stand more stable and im scared he will fall down

from my hand and scared to step up to me.

2)when he step up,all what his trying to do is climb to my shoulder.i cant trust him yet to allow him on my shoulder.is it any idea to make him more focus on training and not try to climb??

3)i know this sound weird but whats the sign if the bird ready to step up around their cage?

momo will step up but if far away from his cage.if i try around his cage,he will try to bite me.is it normal?

4)this last question is for my tiel.he step up very well and hand tamed.but why he never 'stay' on our hand?he always try to climb or jump away.is it any way to train bird sit nicely on our hand or shoulder?


thanks guys,i really wait and appreciate all your help!!

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You guys are both doing great! You are both learning. Continue with " stepup" training, but now think " I am the parent, you are the child!" Stepup training, away from cage, as much as possible. If bird tries to bite, gently grab beak... say NO! NO BITE! Walk away, try again in five minutes. Be consistent, let baby know when you are not pleased with behavior. Work on establishing trust. Very important. If other family members are involved, make sure you are all on the same page. Nancy

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hi nancy,thanks for the reply.

as much as he far from the cage he will step up very well.feels like i should hide the cage :)

unfortunetly im the only one work with him,because he scared to death to my husband and my husband never try to push him as well.

well i need him to feel more safe when he is away from his cage.i bought him park tree and a huge parrot gym so he need to used to be somewhere else,not only on top of his cage :(

any idea nancy?


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I think the gyms and stands for parrots are excellent places to practice step up from and to. I bought one made of grape vine that will sit on the sofa table and a rope perch that will connect it to the cage. This way our TAG can go between the cage and us freely during the evenings.

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hi guys thanks for the reply,

for chezron:momo is just 14 months now,his eyes start to change to yellow.i had him 3 months already.he dsnt interest in treats at all,this is where my problem start.

i try everything,all kind of nuts,dry fruit,sun flower seeds,fresh fruits,he just too picky.any idea??

yes i will trimmed his nail soon because it makes me bleeding everytime i handle him.


for wingy: i tried to show him the gym and he seems scared of it.when i step up him more far than 2 mtr away from his cage,he will get so panic.is this normal?thanks again.

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From what I've read it is very normal for them to be distrustful or frightened of new things. Do you by chance eat when Momo can see you? Many times our companion parrots will get interested in foods they see us eat.

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It is normal for them to " panic". They tend to be scared. Be consistent with exposure to new things, as well exposure to new people. Always remember, YOU are the parent, THEY are the child. Provide your baby with a routine, and consistent enviroment. I always had " bedtime expectations", but if Sophie freaked out at two in the morning, I was there for her! She tended to say " HI!" I told her, Hi back, but it is time for bed! She understood. Nancy

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for wingy: it dsnt work for me,i eat in front of him always.he does seems interest with the food but as soon i offer him he get really scared.i think he think i will poison him with the food.

i try everything,bake,smash,cake,cut,shred,fresh,dry,.none of this interest him.is it something serious maybe?should i get him kids vitamin to increase his interest in food?


for nancy:yes nancy,i try to be consistent and he almost have a same schedule everyday.momo loves his routine and if im late to wake up he will say ''hello hello,out out out'' he seems better to step up now,start to put one of his foot on my finger when he around his cage.well hope he will 'soon' step up easily.

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Momo isn't afraid your going to poison him. He is just cautious. You have to remember that in the wild these birds are dinner to larger animals and being cautious is what keeps them alive. Since Momo is interested in what your eating keep cutting off a piece and putting it in a treat bowl. One day he will come over and take a taste. Don't give him kids vitamins. They aren't meant for birds.

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I would suggest that you keep trying where the food is concerned. With him being so new to you he is cautious. If you always have pellets in his dish, he may eat when you are not so close to him. Cooked and mashed sweet potato seems to be a favorite. He may need to get to know you better to take food from your hands but if you put things in his dish and give him time to explore, he might give you a clue to his heart. Our older parrot spent a year flinging pine nuts right back at me, but now he loves them. It just took him some time to trust the things I was handing him. You will build his trust a little at a time and keep trying the veggies and food items just a tiny bit at a time and as Nancy says, consistently.

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thanks guys,

i will keep offering him veggie and other things.sometimes he will eat it sometimes he wont.

he dsnt like food which make his beak wet,so my mash veggies always failed:(

and i cant find any sweet potato in iran,is normal potato is okay?

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You can take thin slices of vegies like carrot or the stems of broccoli and dry them in your oven or a dehydrator. Then they won't be wet. I used to use a vegetable peeler for strips that were uniform thickness. I offered the dried vegies when I was eating snacks that the flock shouldn't eat.

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thanks guys,

i will keep offering him veggie and other things.sometimes he will eat it sometimes he wont.

he dsnt like food which make his beak wet,so my mash veggies always failed:(

and i cant find any sweet potato in iran,is normal potato is okay?


Hi Momo, Sweet potatoes or yams are the best. White potatoes must always be cooked and if you do feed them to your baby, no more than a teaspoon. They are not very good for any parrot and they must always be cooked. Never give the eye of the potato to a parrot. Just keep trying, our Joe doesn't like to get his beak wet either LOL and it has taken over two years for him to eat his veggies. if it available you can also use boiled cauliflower, squash or boiled carrots instead of sweet potatoes. Boiled broccoli is extremely strong to parrots..a little goes a long ways. Raw broccoli or broccoli stems are a great source of vitamins and nutrients that they need.

Thanks, Maggie

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hi luvparrot,yeah i always have difficulty to open some web here.its quite trouble for me because i cant open some useful parrot web or youtube to watch some useful video.

glad this forum is not filter here so i still can ask many question to an expert grey owner.hope i will come back to my country faster.



yes nancy,he does step up for me for going out from his cage.

but when he is on top of his cage its veryyyyy difficult.mostly he will put his head in front of his leg to avoid my hand or nip me.

is it possible one day he will change?well i need to put him inside for meal time,sleeping,or maybe when guest come to my home.this step up program when he is on top his cage is really make me frustated!!!i dont get why he really refuse to step up when he on top of his cage.arghhhhhh... :(

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It sounds like Momo has figured out that you'll leave him out of the cage and won't ask for a step up unless he has to go back in. Like a child he is telling you he doesn't like that idea. Can you change your routine to include a step up and trip to another part of your home every 1 or 2 hours. Momo has figured out that the step up out of his cage gets him good things now he needs to learn that step up when he's out of the cage also gets him good things.

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Hi, this isn't a training method it was brought about by circumstances. This isn't criticism or even our opinion, it's just how it was...lol


The main reason to teach "Step-Up" to a parrot is in case of emergency's, there's no time for treats etc, it's a must do or else. [As soon as possible, once they learn, you need to stop all treats and rewards for stepping up...]


So, with all the birds we had in our home at any given time, our teaching [lol] amounted to sticking your finger in front of them and saying "step-up" if they bit, we did it again saying "I don't like that, I love you", if they bit the 3rd time we walked away, went to a sound proof room and screamed while wiping off the blood...In all honestly the would step-up in a short amount of time. [most of them.]

A parrot, especially a Grey, Zon and some Macaws don't need enticement to step-up, a cockatiel is one of the easiest...

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