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Gracie At 10 Months


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My CAG Gracie will be ten months old this week. So far Gracie makes all kinds of cute little noises and a few words, and she is starting to use them meaningfully. At first her repertoire was three things: a wolf whistle, a kissing noise, and a bomb dropping. In the last month she has added a dog bark and the phrase "wanna step up". The wolf whistle and kisses became her contact call right away, but lately she is starting to use her sounds in a seemingly intelligent way. First is the kissing sound. I have been trying to teach Gracie, "I love you". I used to say "I love you" and give her a kiss on the beak. Now whenever I say "I love you" she gives me a little kiss noise. I know it may just be a conditioned response, but it is cute as heck. The dog bark is also interesting. I house sat for my parents a couple of weeks ago, and Gracie spent four days in the company of a senior Labrador Retriever and young Toy Fox Terrier who was very interested in Gracie. She found him amusing as well. Anyway, after a day or two, I could hardly tell when the dog was barking or when Gracie was. What is interesting is that she seemed to learn his name "Barkleah". Now when I am home with Gracie and I say to her, "Barkleah Doggie" she starts barking. She sounds just like him. I think she really knows who Barkleah is and likes that noise he makes. Finally, Gracie has been using her one and only human phrase to make things happen. A few weeks ago she started to say "Step-up" and "Wanna Step up". Well she uses those phrases whenever she wants me to move her somewhere. She is fully flighted, but she has trouble landing on low surfaces. I usually feed her veggies in a small bowl on her travel cage. She isn't comfortable flying to that cage on her own, so whenever she wants to go to her travel cage or be returned to a playstand, she starts saying "wanna step up". She looks at me, looks at her veggie bowl and repeats "wanna step up" until I come get her. She also sometimes says it when I leave the room. I think she knows that "wanna step up" means that Daddy will appear. It just warms my heart. Anyway, I know these little things are nothing compared to what a lot of your greys do, but this is all new and exciting for me and makes me full of anticipation at what is to come.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Gracie knows how to keep your heart wrapped around her little talon doesn't she? It is so touching how you interact with her and how she responds to you. You are right, you have barely scratched the surface of the complex little character who is Gracie. I am looking forward to hearing more as she matures and becomes even more involved in your life and conversations.

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Those are perfect examples of the intelligence of greys! A conditioned response would only be associated with an action each time you do it. Gracie is using those words and sounds dynamically in real-time making requests for a step up when she wishes you to come and take her etc. That displays reasoning and then use of a word, phrase or sound/whistle intelligently. :)


Thanks for the update! We always love hearing about everyone's greys.

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