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My Closet Talker


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I have to tell you guys...as you are the only ones that will understand. I was getting ready to leave for work and had just put the birds away for the morning and I hear Finnigan in his room, really getting on a roll with his chirping. I hear him do the wolf whistle, which I have been trying to get him to do since I brought him home at 10 weeks! What a brat, he can do it perfectly and did it time and again! So, I keep listening and darn if the little brat doesn't say "Finnigan" clear as a bell, and "hello"! What a litle closet talking rat! Oh, I wonder if he will ever say anything in front of me. Big Sigh. Silly bird. I'm just happy he seems so happy an content in his cage. ;)

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Yep, it seems that most Greys are Closet Talkers :-)


Dayo though, will try every sound and muttering he knows if you ignore him or walk out of the room.


Any other time, it's just the little happy Baby Chirp, little Clucking sounds of satisfaction and the baby "Panting".

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Hello Christina, I had a good chuckle reading your post. Just you wait he will be talking up a storm in a year and a half. My wife enjoys it when she gets up for work around five am and the birds start their wolf calls, she says that no matter how tired or bad she looks the birds make her feel great. :laugh: They are a real joy to have around the house.

Enjoy your grey, I know you will.

Have a great week.



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He might.


I said something about this in another post, but mine will talk all day on the phone no matter who it is. He will put his beak right into the receiving end when I'm on the phone and start chattering. Everyone thinks it's hilarious that if they talk to me on the phone it's really a conference call with me AND the bird.

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My background is in child development, and your post really struck a chord in my mind. Greys are often compared to the mentality of a 3-5 year old child, young er greys are of coarse younger. 2-3 year old human children are known for "self talk" when they are practicing their new language by themselves before they talk confidently in front of older children or parents. I assume that your grey is simply trying out the new vocab. :) He will talk to you when he feels confident enough to do so.

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