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Hello from PA

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Hi my name is Wendy and my little mans name is Lido. Lido is going to be 9 weeks old tomorrow. He is my first Grey, but I do have a U2 and a B&G Macaw. They are both in their twenties, so the baby thing is all new to me. Lido has stolen my heart in the three weeks that I have had him. Went to the vet last week and got a clean bill of health, he weighed 511 grams. He is currently handfeeding 3 times a day and doing alot of picking from the mix that I make for my birds. He has gotten very vocal in the past week and is doing well with stepping up and perching. I love when he runs around on the floor, drops down on his belly and flaps his wings likes there is no way anyone is going to stop him from taking off.

We have been spending alot of time playing with toys and cuddling!!!! I couldnt ask for a better baby. We had the DNA test done to make sure that he is a he, will have the results in a couple of weeks. I LOVE this Forum, I have learned alot from the post and I just wanted to say Thank you. I am going to try to post a picture with this, if it works it is from 2 weeks ago, tomorrow is picture day so I will post a new one tomorrow. It is amazing how much he has grown in two weeks!!!!!


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That is a great introduction. Thanks for joining us and congrats on posting a photo right on the first post. I have been here three years and still work to get a photo posted. Lido is adorable and it is obvious he is the light of your life. You are going to have some wonderful times together. What are the names of your Utoo and macaw?

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