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A parrot rescue poem


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Thought I would share.



Will you take me home with you?

I can't promise I'll be good.

No one taught me how to act,

Or behave as a parrot "should".


My first owner didn't treat me right

He said I was "bad".

He never forgave me for that first bite

After that, he was always mad.


He shoved me back into my cage,

And I started to scream.

Then he hit me in rage

And my life became a bad dream.


So, now I scream and yes, I bite.

I'm angry and misunderstood.

But, please take me home with you,

Love me and I'll be good.


Please let me come home with you

And spend some time with me.

I can be sweet again, I know.

Take me home, and you'll see.


My next owner swore at me,

I learned to say things back.

So now my words are crude and rude,

Please cut me some slack.


If you let me come home with you

I'll learn some nicer speech.

If you are kind and give me the time

I'll change my vulgar screech.


I'm really just a baby,

And so misunderstood.

Please let me come home with you,

I can learn to be good.

My next owner just HAD to have me.

She thought I was "way too cool".

But now she doesn't have the time for me.

She's busy with boys in school.


That's why I began to pluck,

I'm not pretty any more.

I won't be much of an ornament,

If that's what you're looking for.


I may never grow new feathers,

My chest may always be bare.

But my soul, I know, could heal itself

If I only had someone who cares.


My last owner died and left me,

She said she made plans.

But she never followed through on them,

And I've fallen into bad hands.


Please take me home and treat me right.

And let our friendship grow.

Please let me come home with you,

This time it will work, I know.


Please overlook my failings,

Please end this pain and strife.

Please, please take me home with you,

And I'll be your friend for life.


- Author Unkown

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This has a familiar ring, not exactly the same story, but the unknown author could be Gilbert. Except, he never has promised to be good or sweet. As I recall, he looked me up and down, gave me the stink eye and said "I never promised you a rose garden baby". I do think there is a sweet little guy in that crusty ole shell and I am willing to take what I get and not hope for him to become "better" than he is. Thinking about the days that have gone before "us" are hard to think about. It's a long hard road for a parrot rejected by his first love.

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