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hahahaha, she cracks me up!!!!


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so far kallie has decided on a definite set of sounds, noises, limited words in "her" voice, and imitating everything athena says in "athena's" voice. i know she's got lots of words up there in her head since she listens intently, but so far, she's not letting much out. on very rare occasions, she'll say something, but it's always so soft and mumbled, we can't understand what she's saying even with everything off like the tv or radio. we'll ask her to repeat it, encourage her when she is saying something, etc, but she seems quite content with how she's communicating at the moment. right now, she communicates more with her sounds and "athena", than anything else. that's totally fine with us, since she does get her point across pretty well, if not by sounds, with body language. its just frustrating sometimes, knowing there's so much more inside her mind, but she just won't say it. i imitate her noises as best as i can, i'll ask her questions, wait for an answer, then ask again and answer it, so she can see a "conversation", i answer the "what's ya doing?", then ask her back, but-nothing. so we wait and see, time will tell if she'll ever "let it out", if this is a "phase" or ?! i know i should be careful of what i wish for, lol!!! but this is what makes these events so fun and precious to us!!!

Edited by thenabrd
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kallie just cracks me up!!!!! i was having an ice cold 7up. as i'm drinking, kallie is making tinkling ice in the glass sounds, while lifting her head up in the motion of drinking!!! hahahahahaha!!!!


How cute! Kallie is letting you know she would like one "On the Rocks" as well. :P

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I love the way Kallie is communicating with you while watching and learning. When she does start talking it will surely be prolific, she is just waiting until she knows she has it down pat. We have a smaller parrot who says few words but communicates with mimics of sounds. When she wants a drink of fresh water from the refrigerator filter, she makes the gurgling sound. When she wants an ice cube she makes the clink of ice in a glass. When she wants an almond she makes the sound of the tin being opened. She has the ability to speak and does so sparingly. It is a lot harder for her than for a grey though since she only has one muscle to form words where the greys have two from what I gather. I can't wait to hear the things that Kallie will tell you. If you think you are laughing out loud now, she will really send you into chortles and raucous uninhibited laughter when she gets her own voice.

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thanks!! she does have many sounds to express herself! there's high metallic pings for when she's really excited or battling toys, a "cooing" sound at bed time or when she's in the mood for a head rub, warning beeps for alerting us or for attention, an iphone "turning on" tone when it lights up for a message, an answering machine beep then hello for the rare times she speaks (we don't have one, but her previous owner did) then it's hi kallie, what's ya doing, hhhmmm? or hi kallie big girl, mmm, hmmm! she truly loves doing athena most of the time. i respond to her like i do athena, could that be the reason she's reluctant to use her own voice? have i been enabling this? i didn't want to ignore her when she's doing athena (the only difference is the volume kallie uses versus athena-which my husband still hasn't caught on to, lol) i tell her that she's kallie and then look at or point to athena and tell her there's athena, when she's calling "athena" in athena's voice. i'll do that and say there's athena girl (or athena bird), you're kallie girl (or kallie bird), i'm momma (or momma bird), there's daddy (or daddy bird), etc. she has blown us away and brought us to crying while laughing, you'll have to find my posts on her being a "scientist"!! what's the hardest is when people visit and "expect" her to be alex!!! i explain, that usually when we have company, the girls are more quiet (especially athena) than normal until they've made sure everything is ok, and that not all greys can be an alex and that so far, kallie is still young, and has her own unique way of communicating and that someday, hopefully she'll enlighten us all with her thoughts on things! with our luck though, when she decides its time to let it out, it'll probably be the theme from the "big bang". she watches and listens intently during the song, lol!!! (maybe she is a scientist after all, hahahahahaha)

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