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my grey and a sleep cage

Tess Denise

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Hi I recently got a Grey and adopted her from a rescue, she is 3 years old and lately she seems terrified of going to bed at night she clings to me and I can hardly get her into her cage. I feel terrible for her , I think she is having night terrors. I have tried to put her into a smaller cage to sleep in a spare bedroom but she is also terrified of this cage as this is the one she came to me in and I think she is afraid of this cage as she might think I am going to take her away. I am thinking of getting a different smaller cage for her to sleep in and see what happens , any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Tess, a little background please. How long have you had your grey? What is her name by the way. When you say "lately she seems terrified ..." do you mean that she at one time didn't mind going back into the cage at night? A little detail about your routine with her.

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It seems that just lately she is terrified and does not want to go back to cage to sleep , she is out all day with cage door open and goes in and out freely all day except for when I let our two german shepherds in . she has a large playtop on top of her cage. her name is Lucy and she is 3 years old and I have had her for almost 6 weeks, I got her from a rescue. I do cover her at night as well. I do have a smaller cage and she does not want to go in it at all, I think it is because the small cage is the one she came to me in . I got her from a rescue and she had to travel in this small cage for about 7 hours in a car and so she has a fairly bad memory of the small cage, this is why I am going to find another small sleep cage for her. Her large cage is to big to roll into our spare bedroom.

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Maybe you are seeing the real Lucy now that the honeymoon is over? Grabbing your arm and tensing up does not necessarily mean she is afraid. It could just be that she does not want to go back to her cage at bedtime. Many Greys would stay up all night with or prefer to sleep somewhere other than there cage. Of course we all know the cage is the safest place for them and thus must return there. At bedtime here, we must have our grey step up, then we gently place our hand lightly over his back and wings as we carry him to his cage. His talons are clamping down on the arm tightly and sometimes he tries very hard to twist or turn to free himself to fly away. It has nothing to do with fear, it is all about flat out not wanting to go back to his cage.


If Lucy had night terrors, you would hear her suddenly flapping around her cage in the middle of the night. Do you?


Also, rather than trying a sleep cage and taking her in your room at night, just place her in her large cage at night an call it good. Then at least she is in a cage you know she is comfortable in and also the same surroundings she see's all day long.

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Our TAG Gilbert has been rehomed at least a couple of times. For a while he started having flapping and being disturbed in the night. One of our members suggested a night light and I put a small one in the room with him. It stopped the issue. If Lucy previously was left uncovered, it could be part of her issue. If you are putting her in a sleep cage in another room at night to make sure she gets quiet rest, maybe just being in the other room with a night light and not covering her would give her quiet time she needs. Six weeks is still pretty new, you will learn a lot more of her preferences in time to come. It is very sensitive and caring of you to be thinking about her emotional adjustment. You will sort through and find a solution that keeps both of you rested and confident. Thanks for taking Lucy in and for finding us to share your experience.

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Yes, as Dan says, why not just use your daytime cage with a nightlight and cover it partially until he understands the routine ad is more comfortable. He has only been with you for 6 weeks, hardy enough tie to settle in and be comfortable. Don't AR too many changes in the beginning by trying different things. I gave 3 parrots, 2 of them sleep downstairs in their cages covered, and one sleeps upstairs in my room in a large sleep cage. She also has a daytime play cage downstairs. My upstairs one does have night terrors, always have, so she has a nightlight and a soft towel on the bottom of her cage for the times when she has them.

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Dan is right, maybe it would be best to leave her in her big cage as it is the one she feels at home in, maybe the addition of a nightlight will help. To help desensitize her to the smaller cage leave it out in sight and maybe hang a couple small toys in it so she will be enticed to go inside to investigate, this may help to get her more comfortable going in the smaller cage for it will be useful for trips to the vet and maybe on trips outside for some sun and fresh air.

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Everyone is so right about bedtime. Whether they are a rescue, baby, they all do the same. Don't want to go to bed! Bedtime routine, is important! Eight everynite here. Decide if you want to cover, based on previous experience for your baby. Just like kids, they whine, complain, and DON"T WANT TO GO TO BED! LOL Stick to your guns. Sophie our grey, should have won an " academy award", for her drama when we first got her at age two. At bedtime, she was scared, acted like she was going to die!( remember, she came from a great home!) I never let her get away with her antics! LOL On the other hand, there WERE nights that she had a bad dream... was calling to me. I was always there, reassured her, and back to bed. Nancy

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