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Salsa Speaks....


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:D Hola Everybody!! (That means hello in Spanish. I just learned that!) Spock showed me how to use the computer and how to write everybody but it has not been out and open until now. I am taking it over!:P

It has been quiet since Spock left. :( He told me he had worlds to explore but I didn't think he would go. I miss flying around the room with him. I try it now but Joey just gives me that look...(you know what I mean)...and says "Salsa!!". Tango, that big white bird, just yells and yells...it is worth it just to see her flap her wings and jump up and down..hehehe..

I've been practicing the Vulcan Death Grip like Spock showed me and I think it is working because when I hold onto Maggie's fingers, they turn a pretty purple and then white....

ooooh, pretty! I tried the Vulcan Mind Meld but I think I am doing something wrong...I can't remember whether Spock said bite or don't bite...hhhhmmm...

My favorite thing to do all day is sing. I like to make up my own songs and I do sing pretty good if I do say so myself! My next favorite thing to do is explore...I looooove to go into Tango's cage 'cause she always has good things to eat and the sticks where her food bowls go twist around. I love to undo things and open things and these are just too easy...until Maggie comes and takes all the thingies (nuts and bolts) away.

What a "Vida Loca" I live...eat, play, fly, eat, sing, chew on walls, nap, play, sing, more walls...:cool:

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Hi Salsa. My name is Cricket and I Love Getting into things.

I would rather walk than fly because you can miss so many things when you fly.

My dad thinks I should fly but I would rather sit on his shoulder and check things out from up there.

Talk to you soon.


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Hola Cricket (I loooove that word..hehehe) Have you tried wall? Or ears? They are really good! Bathroom cabinets are good too. I don't think they have noticed the bathroom yet...

hehehe...oh oh, here comes lunch...Do you like sugar peas? Manana....Salsa

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