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Food Rewards??


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I notice that most parrots are rewarded with some sort of small treat during training periods. Curious what treats y'all have found easiest or most effective? I have found my baby loves small pieces of cheese but it gets all melted in my hand lol

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Good question-You don't want to feed much cheese as it can get stuck in the crop and block the passage of foods. It depends on our bird what he or she responds to, some birds work for a great verbal reward, some for a food or drink treat and for others a little scritch on the head. Each bird is an individual with preferences all their own, you just have to know your bird well or experiment to see what his or her trigger is.

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I guess I will have to get her use to trying some new things. I tried to offer almonds and pumpkin seeds but she doesnt seem to know they are food yet. Pine nuts sound interesting, Ill try to get a hold of some of those.

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