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6 month old picky eater


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My baby girl is currently on a seed mix, supplemented with veggies and some fruit. The past 2 days though, she will only eat the seeds, and is snubbing her nose at the fresh stuff. How much seed mix should I put in her dish? Should I only feed the seed at night?


I plan on purchasing some pellets but having a hard time deciding the best ones to get. What about this. . .what if I put the greens and pellets out in her dishes and hide the seeds in foraging toys? Is that a good/bad idea? And what are ideal portion sizes? I have a feeling I am currently overfeeding the seeds and thats why she is not hungry for greens.

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Hi, keep a 1/2 bowl of good seed,sunflower is ok now, but no peanuts in the shell, keep a 1/2 bowl of pellet, we like Zupreem nut blend or natural, Harrison's is good also, at all times, 24/7. Keep fresh veggies available during the morning/afternoon, they do waste and this can go on for a while..Abundant Feeding:Always, always have plenty of food available. The reason being, young Greys can develop a phobia about not having enough food to eat and can actually die from this fear. Even if she snubs the fresh veggies, keep a variety so she she will get accustomed to it. As far as fruit goes, very little; a small chunk of apple, one grape or a small chunk of orange, apricot, etc. is plenty. Fruit causes runny droppings.

You are doing a "greyt" job! Thank you, Jay

Edited by Jayd
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I'm no pro regarding diet. Others have excellent advice! I have always offered a diet of seeds, frozen fruits and veggies. Offered fresh fruits and veggies daily. Switched everyday. Of course, they went thru throwing the fruits and veggies against the walls. Ignored it... kept offering. Years later.... they can't checkout frsh fruit and veggie tray, quick enough! Its their favorite! Of course, 1/4 slice of buttered toast is their ultimate favorite! I( never give treats for " behavior", although I can see the benefit in it.) So happy diet is not an issue for us. They are " eating machines!" Nancy

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Luna won't eat veggies, seed, or fruit. Granted, I've only had her about a week but she literally won't touch peanuts or any kind of seed or fruits or any type of veggy...she munches on carrots a bit. She is obsessed with eating Harrison's High Potency Pellets. Which is a good thing lol but..I'm now in the processof showing her how yummy foods are...taking time each day to eat veggies in front of her in the hopes she'll want to try it to.

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Luna won't eat veggies, seed, or fruit. Granted, I've only had her about a week but she literally won't touch peanuts or any kind of seed or fruits or any type of veggy...she munches on carrots a bit. She is obsessed with eating Harrison's High Potency Pellets. Which is a good thing lol but..I'm now in the processof showing her how yummy foods are...taking time each day to eat veggies in front of her in the hopes she'll want to try it to.


My friend, Rome wasn't built in a day...and the cost of veggies and other foods for Luna will continue to rise. Just stick with it. It took Joe and Spock two years, Salsa and Tango were born in a vegetable patch (LOL)...Try a sugar snap pea. That gives them foraging and a healthy veggie.

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DJ is very picky too, he is only 10 months now. He doesn't eat all the food i offer him, and i have to throw it away most of the time. I can tell you something, what he left before he will eat the same after a week or two! But this is not always the case. I keep trying and he loves that fact that i do :)

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Gracie my CAG was intially wary of vegetables as well, but one day she tasted a bit of corn and her eyes lit up. Then she tried the peas and green beans and carrots. She now loves her veggies. Broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato etc. It will come in time.

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