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A Mixture of questions - toys treats

Guest ilovemygrey

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Guest ilovemygrey

We have a few things for Jaq'o to play with but money is low atm cant really afford to him some more. He really loves chewing up the rope part of toys.


What are some things around the house can I put in his cage for him to tear up etc? Can I do that?


Drink holders from fast food places?

Empty water bottles?

Empty toilet paper rolls?


Shoot me some ideas please I feel like hes bored.


Also I started click training him today. Wish me luck. It's amazing how close I had to get to him to give him single peanuts, very scary.


While I'm training him with peanuts he kept taking them but not finishing them he would take a bite chew up a small piece and then drop the rest of the peanut.


I would like some ideas that he CANNOT resist eating the whole thing...so that I don't feel like I'm wasting.



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You can hide treats in coffee filters or make springs out of paper strips. Some members fids like new telephone books. I had a fid that loved loved loved a paper fan made out of a folded envelope (remove the glue part). Some like cereal boxes or treat boxes (look online or visit your local library for how to make origami boxes, birds, stars or balls). If your going to use boxes choose ones that held food like cereal, childrens construction paper is fine as is telephone books and newspaper. The ink/color is made of soy. Here is a description on how to make paper springs. Glue can be made using flour and water.


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NIce to know that you are the one among those so much concerned about boredom happening with your bird.Keeping toys in their vicinity is a great idea.

How about putting things like straws, match sticks, etc, the ones that they can pick up with their beaks to play with? Also, i think it will be wonderful to put small sized wind-chimes in their cages.

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