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A good overall food break down that I have used for a long time to come up with various mixtures I provide combinations of on different days to keep my flock happy and healthy, can be found here: http://www.holisticbirds.com/pages/foodpp1002.htm


It gives all the facts on each type of food. There is a ton of accurate and good information out there on the web I personally use as a reference for changing up the diet which keeps them excited and looking forward to whats on the menu today. :)

I back Dan 110%, but I'd like to make a statement.. I've studied "Holistic's" for a long time, still do, some of you might have noticed it in some of my writings.Being that the Grey Forums are geared to help and advise new grey owners and first time owners I tend to stay away from talking about Holistic's.

Like Dan said, there's a lot of good sites, but there's a lot of bad ones too! Essences, basic, flower burning, garlic's, onions!!! All I'm going to ask is if you find something interesting, before you do anything, RESEARCH it, PM Dan or some one you trust, and study it......I don't want to hear,"I gave my Grey Garlic and pizza etc, Why did he die????"


Thanks Jayd

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Like Dan said, there's a lot of good sites, but there's a lot of bad ones too! Essences, basic, flower burning, garlic's, onions!!! All I'm going to ask is if you find something interesting, before you do anything, RESEARCH it, PM Dan or some one you trust, and study it......I don't want to hear,"I gave my Grey Garlic and pizza etc, Why did he die????"

Thanks Jayd


Thanks Maggie. The site link I provided is very accurate, informative etc. Eating Flower pedals is one of the delicacies of parrots, they savor them. The key in just that one food group is reading, studying and knowing which are safe. I do not want members PMing me about forum topics. PM's are for private messages you don't wish to share with the members of the forum. So, I keep everything open so all members can benefit or comment with their great and additional thoughts, knowledge etc. so we keep everyone up to date and have access to other ideas and opinions as well. My opinion on taking a member to PM to finish what you start in a thread is simply trying to isolate them to just one idea and train of thought. It does not give the member a full scope of additional information and does not encourage them to learn how to research, verify and come to a conclusion of their own and teaches them how to research on their own which is crucial and advisable to anyone learning a new subject, especially one that affects the health and well being of a new exotic creature that is going to live 50 to 70 years possibly. Thus the reason I provide links rather than copying and pasting from sites.


There are many schools of thought on diet out there and from very well recognized scholars and experienced parrot people on each species of parrot that requires different diets.


This forum is not just for newbies in my opinion. I believe we all benefit from reading, researching and helping each other. Whether we have been a parrot owner for 1 day or 30 years. Information, studies, research by the scientific community is always evolving as time and research progress.


I guess to put my thoughts in a nutshell, is I do not want anyone reliant soley upon me. I want to teach them how to learn on their own, form their own opinions, beliefs and take off on the never ending path of enlightenment as they do so. I wish I could live 200 years, because there is so much I still do not know and a normal human lifetime is just not enough, at least not for my ever need to study and learn. :)

Edited by danmcq
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^^^^ I think this is 1 of the top 5 things in Good Parront Tips & Tricks. There's such a huge collection of interests, perspectives & experience available to everyone on the web these days.


Being part of a community like GF can cut a parront's work by tons. But birdhouse can say the dumbest things 99/100 times. It doesn't mean she can't uncork a real gem in the 100th post. Dan may seem to be right ALL the time. But it doesn't mean he can't make mistakes, be looking at an issue from a totally different perspective or just might have worded something better.


It's important to verify any info w/multiple CREDIBLE sources & always assume that the facts as you've learned them will keep changing as science moves forward. Especially in certain areas like nutrition. Maybe I'm just that kind of geek. But I've always thought it was fun, too. I never stop being amazed at the things I discover & the way things work.

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Jayd here, Thanks Dan, Val, As I stated , I agree with you, in my opinion, I stick with what I posted. I advised that before trying something new was to seek out advice from someone such as yourself. I didn't say the forum was for newbies only. Regarding "Flowers" I stated ."Flower burning" [essence] not as a food. I promise any further posts or threads I'll clarify myself better. Anyone wishing to PM me for good or bad is welcome to. Thanks all...Jayd

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Tonight I had a white peach and let Jake take a taste. I wish I had a camera to video tape that. He loved it but what he does with it is so hysterical I darn near popped trying not to laugh. He won't bite it, because it is soft and wet so instead he licked it. I sat there holding the peach and he ran his tongue from one side to the other flicking it madly. At one point he had is tongue out so far that it was past the tip of his beak. It was great watching him enjoy something so much.

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Jake is a natural water baby. Thanks to your use of a clear glass swimming pool, it was a good look at him splashing and having a big time. I was holding my breath at the end of the video as he climbed above the water. I was expecting him to take a high dive. He is living life large, isn't he. What a cute little guy.

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Jake is a natural water baby. Thanks to your use of a clear glass swimming pool, it was a good look at him splashing and having a big time. I was holding my breath at the end of the video as he climbed above the water. I was expecting him to take a high dive. He is living life large, isn't he. What a cute little guy.


He has jumped from the perch above and plopped in. He has also run from the side hopped up and slid across the glass like he was on a slip n slide. I'm glad you had fun watching. Swim days always put a smile on my face.

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I found dandilion greens on Tuesday and he has turned his nose up at them every day. I have tried weaving it in the bars of his cage, on a skewer, and various other ways. He either ignores it or rips it down. Is kale good for an every day food? Today in the cereal section I found organic puffed millet. No salt, sugar, oil or preservatives just plain millet. There just has to be some food that he would move heaven and earth to get. I just haven't found it yet.

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He tried the puffed millet but he just didn't seem to be real interested. I tried some and it has the texture of styrofoam and no taste. He also tried a bit of plain yogurt which he liked for a few bites. I used a 1/8th teaspoon measure and he ate about half. I was amazed that he tried it. (of course he spent the next hour trying to get the feel of wet off his beak and didn't stop fussing until I "rubbed it dry")

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Phenix hates getting food on his face. It's almost an obsession & he always takes very delicate mouthfuls of anything messy. He must be the neatest eater I've ever seen. He also doesn't tend to fling (much). So maybe that's not a bad habit in the long run.


I've had the best luck introducing new foods by mixing known yummy w/unknown foods. Which is how I guess I got interested in mashes. This also works well for sneaking in a bit of good veggies that they never will enjoy.


Applesauce &/or oatmeal have been pretty well accepted which is great because I might shave some broccoli buds or fine chopped kale into it for example. If they like peanut butter or Red Palm Oil, I smear a little onto anything I'd like them to try.


Mashed squash w/dandelion & cranberries may not look very appetizing to us. But it doesn't matter at all because they definitely have their own ideas about what tastes good. So I just experiment w/any combination at hand. Odds are pretty good something works eventually. So maybe it will work for you guys, too.

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He doesn't like foods that are cold, hot, wet, soft or sticky for the most part. There are a few exceptions for instance he will eat about a teaspoon measure of oatmeal, Red River and mashed potato. He is willing to try new things or at least make an attempt to try them (often times just a touch to his beak and he is turning away because he doesn't like the way it feels). I think its odd that parrot favorites like nuts, sunflower seeds, sweet potato and fruits he won't touch. Jake's vet has said he is extremely tactile and she was spot on with that assessment. Everything is explored with his beak and tongue over and over again and if it doesn't get the seal of approval he wants nothing to do with it. It is bizarre watching him go over his natural rope boing with his tongue before he steps on it.

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I know I've said before that Jake isn't a snuggle bird and doesn't want to be handled much. I am ok with that. We interact, play, talk and sing but he just doesn't care to be handled or climb around on us for more than a moment or two if we aren't going some where. We always ask if he would like a scratch and let him decide if he wants one or not. Jake has been letting my partner in crime occasionally touch his wings and gently lift them but never me. Today not only did I get to touch and lift each of his wings just a little but he also lifted them himself to show me the underside and after all that asked for a scratch and didn't want me to stop. His chest was quivering, his eyes were closed, the feathers on his head were all loose and he was chattering quietly while I rubbed. Let me tell you my heart just melted.

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Today not only did I get to touch and lift each of his wings just a little but

he also lifted them himself to show me the underside and after all that asked

for a scratch and didn't want me to stop. His chest was quivering, his eyes

were closed, the feathers on his head were all loose and he was chattering

quietly while I rubbed. Let me tell you my heart just melted.


That is so sweet but it just has to be on his terms, lucky you.

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Just gives you good-bumps doesn't it? Timber and I always have cuddle time right before I put him in to sleep. He is usually sitting on his playstand watching me play xbox before bed. He has started making this sound right about 8 o'clock, which is usually cuddle time. It's a cheeping (almost baby) sound that I assume is his "ready to cuddle" sound. Every time I hear it I smile!

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Jake makes what I call the noise of the day. He'll pick something and do it over and over. Sometimes it is a sound and sometimes it is a word or words. It can be quite maddening if it is a sound that I can't stand and other times it will be cute. Todays noise of the day, so far anyway, seems to be the phrase Oh Boy! He seems is on a boy kick as the other day it was "good boy".


For now I seem to have solved the problem of him removing the lower screw from the lock on his palace door. When Jake wasn't watching I took the screw out and wiggled a piece of thick rawhide that I had soaked in water through the screw hole and tied a bunch of knots. He hasn't shown much interest in undoing knots so this quick fix has bought me some time to look for a locking nut that will fit in that tiny space.

Edited by Wingy
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Jake makes what I call the noise of the day. He'll pick something and do it over and over. Sometimes it is a sound and sometimes it is a word or words.

This is normal, some parrots do it quietly, they do this until it sounds right, learning to speak, Parrot Phonetics.... lol

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This is normal, some parrots do it quietly, they do this until it sounds right, learning to speak, Parrot Phonetics.... lol


I was lucky that today he choose something that made me smile. I was home all day and loved hearing the Oh Boy's. He isn't a silent one by any means. He'll chatter away no matter where he is or who is in the room. The other day I put him in his pac-o-bird and we took a walk to the corner store. He was telling the ladies at the counter and everyone in line quite a story.

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I am not sure if I ever mentioned that Jake lost a tail feather. It happened a while back. He had a little to much tail in his landing and bent the center most tail feather. It must have bothered him because he ended up pulling it out. For a while now I have been teasing him about having the birdie version of butt cheeks and wondering when another would grow back in and what color it might be when it did (for those of you who don't know Jake is a TAG with beautiful red, red tipped and red streaked feathers not only in the tail area but also around his legs and under his wings). I noticed a few days ago that a feather was getting longer and today I am certain that it is a replacement tail feather. It appears to have the same red characteristics as the others. I'm happy that it isn't a drastically different than the others. I don't know if he would have picked at it if it was totally different than the others.

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