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Just look at how I have grown.



Whats this? Nom nom nom.





My family says I have bee-you-tee-full red edged feathers under my wings. I don't know what that means but I hope it means lunch.









My family says my voice is changing. Does this mean I'll have to shave soon? Can I have the keys to the car? How much is my allowance? (click to play)


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Nancy he's starting to whistle now and has started to use his big bird chirps and squeals. The video I posted has sound.


I met 2 couples today who have babies that aren't weaned yet and live close enough so they can visit daily. They say they love interacting with my little guy and that he is always running to the side of the tank to visit with everyone who stops for more than a moment. I spoke with his caregivers and he will not be moved out of the tank and into a cage any time soon. They feel he isn't steady enough on his feet yet and enjoys sprawling out to sleep still. Hopefully when the time comes for the "big move" I can be there to watch him explore.

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Wingy... had to get birdfood today. Visited your baby. Reminded him, how much his mama loves him. He actually " hopped", over to my voice, pecked at the glass as if too say, " you know my mama? Let me out and tell me more about my mama!" What a difference in one week! He had a little bit of a " dirty face"... had fun with a feeding I'm sure! LOL! He's going to be a character for sure! Aunt Nancy

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  • 2 weeks later...

My partner and I went to visit the baby today where we finally decided on a name (I think). So I would like to introduce you to Jake.








There has been some big changes for him in the past week. He has moved out of the tank and into a cage where he is perching pretty well and he is refusing the hand feeding. If he continues to refuse hand feeding and maintains his body weight he'll be ready to come home in about 2 weeks. They put him on the scale today and he weighs 290 grams. The other first is that we got to play together on the play yard. We were able to work on step up and step down today by passing him between us since he didn't know which one of us he wanted more. We also encouraged him to climb and explore using the ladders and perches.


Now I am in serious freak out mode because I really didn't expect him to be ready to come home until mid August. I've got the new parront jitters and a house to get ready. I want to get some big pieces of furniture out of the living room and I would like to get the carpet cleaned before Jake comes home.

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Love the name! Don't freak out, all the pieces will fall into place & Jake will be come into your home at just the right time! I did the same thing & had my carpets cleaned a week or two before I brought Biscotti home, they haven't been cleaned since!

You are going to have so much fun with baby Jake!

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Oh the things we do for our parrots. Before I brought my first parrot home, I had all the carpets removed and laminated or tile floors put in. Three parrots later, that's the best thing I every did for myself LOL!! It's always very exciting to hear the excitement in a new parront member's voice when their baby finally comes home!!! Love the name Jake!

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  • 3 weeks later...

We went to visit Jake today. It looks like he might be coming home next week. He learned his first word. He says woo. Many of the birds picked it up from someone in the boarding room. We observed today that Jake is a leftie and he favors things that are red. He clung to me when I went to put him back in his cage and he didn't want to let go. I am thrilled that he really wants to be with us but it was very hard to leave him there.


Nancy you have to go check out the "big" birds and listen to them saying woo. It is the cutest thing when they all get going. Jake loves to say it. Alfie the CAG went home while I was there. He was a tank mate with Jake but is several weeks older.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We went to the bird store today to play with Jake for a few hours. When we walked in we were told that we could take Jake home. Woo hoo. We've had some play time and some eating time and now he's taking a snooze in his palace. He loves beads and has already figured out how to untie knots from leather laces.

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He's had us cracking up. He loves his red bead and I mean really really loves it. Its to big and slippery for him to hold in his foot comfortably so he carries it around with his beak, then he sees something he wants to chew and yet doesn't want to let go of the bead. Then he starts shaking his head back n forth and of course the bead goes flying. He's hanging out now on his rope perch just relaxed and grinding his beak. We did have a bout of begging at the time when the birds were fed in the shop so I made some oatmeal and spoon fed him a few bites. That seemed to settle him down and he found a place to get comfy and relax.

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Some interesting things I've noticed. At 7:35 Jake goes into full on Taz mode. He flaps, flies, climbs, destroys every piece of food with reach, bites and cannot be distracted then he starts to beg. I've given him some warm oatmeal from a spoon once the begging starts. He takes 5 or 6 nibbles of the oatmeal but hasn't done the head pumping like he wants a hand feeding and that seems to relax him so I can put him in his cage about 8 and he doesn't do the ocd like pacing. I'm guessing this is his bedtime routine and the flurry around the shop began at 7:35 and they close at 8. Jake also thinks I get up way to early (I agree). I am up by 5 and he is not ready to get up then. I get his food and fresh water but he just glares at me with sleepy eyes.

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Jake has been home a week now and it feels like he's been here forever and just moments all at the same time. Every morning he does something that has me laughing through out the day. This little guy has my partner and I wrapped around his talon and has entwined himself in our hearts.

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This past week Jake had his vet visit. The vet called all the staff in to meet him because he was so friendly and having such a good time. I had a few concerns I wanted to discuss with her the biggest concern was that he refused to stand on a flat surface, any flat surface. After examining his feet and observing him on flat surfaces she could find no physical reason for the avoidance and suggested that my partner and I try and encourage him to walk on a table, his cage top, explore the arm/back of the sofa or on the floor. Jake has patiently allowed me to modify his tabletop play gym so he can not only get to the places that he likes better but can also get onto the table easier. Today we had a break through and I think he explored every inch of not only the play gym but the table too. His confidence is growing in leaps and bounds. OTOH I think he's given me a few more grey hairs from twisting himself into some very weird positions.


The only big issue we are having now is eating. He is on a kick where he won't touch any food soft, wet, or that he has to hold. He is turning up his nose at pellets, cooked grains, nuts, fresh/dehydrated vegies and fruit. No matter what I offer all he'll eat is the seed in his bowl, unsalted pumpkin seeds that I pick out of his seed mix, dried pasta (similar to the Wacky Mac that Jayd has suggested in the past) and dried sweet potato strips (I counted the pellets as I put them in the bowl and between what was left in the bowl and what was on the cage floor the count matches so I know he isn't eating any of them). Today I called around and was able to locate a store that sells bulk pellets so Monday after work I'll go and get a little of every brand and size they have.

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This morning I tried something different. Instead of mixing the seed with the pellets like usual I placed the seed in a separate crock on the table with the playgym which Jake has to work to reach while placing the pellets in the bowl next to his favorite perching spot (the difference is a space of 36 inches and down a perch to the table). Jake has gone back and forth between the two and even eaten a few pellets because he decided he didn't want to climb down for the seed. I don't believe in forcing pellets by withholding the preferred food but I don't have to mix them together either. Since it seems to be working I'm going to try something similar in his house by putting pellets only in his preferred bowl and the seed in the non preferred bowl on the opposite end instead of mixing them together like I have been. I'm still going to the store with the bulk food in hopes of finding a pellet that he loves and I'm going to keep working on the vegies.


I feel like I'm playing the home game of "Are you smarter than a parrot?" lol.

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Thats a GreYt idea nd I am glad it is working for you. I am 100 percent with on not taking away the seeds to try and force them on to pellets. Even the pellet manufactures do not recommend doing that. It seems you are smarter or at least on the same page as your parrot in regards foods. :)

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So glad to hear you have Jake home already and it is going fine, he is a cute little bugger and no wonder you both are head over heals for him, how one little feathered creature can capture our hearts so profoundly, looking forward to seeing more pics of Jake.

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