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Hi from south africa

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Hi everyone

thanks for all the supportive replies to my frantic first post. My names Ian and my wife Ingrid and I live on the eastcoast of south africa south of Durban in a small town called Margate and we have a 6 year old grey called waldo. We got him from a breeder because he was ill and we had previously done rehabilitation on wild birds successfully. Waldo had severe aspergillus which we treated by nebulizing him 6 times a day for 6 months. Because of this his heart is enlarged and he has scarring on his lungs. We doubt he will live to a ripe old age but he's lucky to be alive. So everyday is a blessing and we love him dearly. We are happy to have found such a supportive community online! Thanks for the well wishes!

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Wow, what an inspiring rescue story!! Going in to this and knowing the odds were high of death and spending the money to try and save him regardless. :)


You are great examples to all here on the forum.


I have no doubt that Waldo is thankful to you two as well.

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Hello Ian and welcome to our family, glad to welcome you but sad to hear your grey is sick.

I am very grateful you could give Waldo a good home for however long he makes it, at least he will be loved and given the best chance of survival but it has to weigh heavy on your heart, not all of us could do what you are doing, don't think I could, it takes a special kind of person but I am glad that you chose Waldo.

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Guest candismalli

welcome, and wow- it is amazing what you were able to do for Waldo. He truly is lucky to have you!

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