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Update on Roscoe


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Well... It's been a month since I've posted and he still never ceases to amaze me.


I spent several wks. attemping to acclamate him to his travel cage so he could stay with my daughter while we vacationed in FL. She gave him lots of TLC. He's back home and back to his sweet self with nightly cuddles :)))


He's camera shy but quickly warmed up to his "babysitter" !! She caught him in his Morning Monolog..... OOPS!!! Guess I don't know how to ad a video.. I'm going to my profile & try to upload there.

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Great news that you had a vacation and Roscoe is happily back with you and has beautifully adjusted to your return home. Congratulations on creating a safe and loving home for him and helping him build trust even in your absence. This is such an uplifting post, thanks.

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