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New Grey Owner

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Hi! My name is Trish and I am a 1st time Grey owner...actually I am a 1st time bird owner. A girl I know had 2 and didn't have time for them both. My husband has always wanted a Grey so we took it. We've had it for 4 days :) It's name is Dakota and it's 19 months old. I will be making a vet appointment for it to get a check up and make sure it's in good health. Also thinking about DNA testing to get gender. It seems to be happy and healthy :) It eats, plays, lets me pet it's head :) Does lots of bird talking and says hi, pretty bird and mumbles some stuff that I haven't picked up on yet. I haven't been able to get it to step up for me though :( Except for when it got on my desk (which is next to it's cage) It stepped up then and I put it back on it's cage. I'm sure I will be on here asking all sorts of questions and trying to learn as much as possible. I've already been reading up a lot!!!!! I didn't realize I would like this bird so much....it has soooo much personality :)

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Hello Trish and welcome to our family, so glad you could give this grey a new forever home.

It sounds like things are going smoothly right now as he adjusts to his new home but do not be surprised if there are a few bumps along the road as time goes by as the honeymoon phase is over, he will show more of his true personality when he becomes comfortable in his new home.

Its good you are going to take him in for a checkup by an avian vet to make sure he is healthy, its always wise to schedule one as soon as possible so if there is anything to watch out for you will know it.

Are you trying to get him to step up from inside his cage? It is best to let a grey come out on his own and then have him step up, some greys feel very protective of their cages, it is their safety zone and some do not like the intrusion of hands so they usually step up fine once outside, try that and see how it works.

Feel free to ask all the questions you need to, we will help you in any way we can but be sure to read thru as many of the threads here as you can for they hold invaluable information that may be of help to you.

Pictures are always welcomed if you have some of Dakota you would share with us.

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Thanks! He is starting to get somewhat comfortable. He climbs down the side of his cage and bites on my computer monitor and whatever else he can get from my desk....lol! How do I correct him?


I was trying to get him to step up while he is on top of his cage. I am going to put him in the living room and see if I can play step up games with him in there. I will have to move him while he is on top of his cage though since he won't come to me yet.


As soon as I have time to upload pics I will definitely post some :)

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hey trish welcome to the forums :D there is so much information ... yanno its funny i totally feel the same about Marco I am also a first time bird/grey owner ... we never grew up with anything but cats and dogs cuz my mom is scared of birds so it was very out of the norm for me to want a bird but now that she is home and part of our lives OMG she was the best decision Ive ever made. I really love our late nite cuddle time :D it will get better for you as Dakota begins to trust you all and do more it will be so much fun for your family :D cant wait to see pics!

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