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Scared to step up


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Phoenix is 5 months old and had her nails trimmed and wings clipped the morning that I brought her home. I was told that she fledged before having her wings clipped. She is comfortable around me, but she is very clumsy right now. I believe this is causing her to be scared to step up.


Sometimes I will put my hand in to let her step up, and she will raise a leg and start moving it toward me hand. Then it looks like she just loses her balance and flaps her wings like crazy to regain her balance and then just give up. Once she does finally get on my hand she will usually climb up my arm and then hold on to my shirt with her beak.


Any advice on teaching her to step up during this awkward/gawky/clumsy phase? I'm afraid that she will get too scared of being near me if this keeps up.

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Well, in starting off, you should be doing this type of training with your bird on the floor in a very quiet room with not alot of people buzzing around. Doing it in the cage isn't a good idea especially since you got the wings clipped. His/her balance isn't permanent yet and doing step up exercises on the floor is better for the bird when he falls down, Better success too.

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Sounds like she is a little fearful of falling since she has had her nails trimmed, my grey will do that too sometimes since her nails are usually sharp and when filed down some she loses some of that grip but the suggestion to put your hand on her back to steady her is good, glad to hear she is doing better.

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Here's a quick update on Phoenix...


She has now completely mastered stepping up. Everyone in the family can handle her, although my kids can only hold her if they are supervised. They both still get overly excited when she steps up for them. We've had a few friends over, and she even stepped up for them too. So far, so seems to be a very well socialized and not scared of people.


On another note, she is now giving kisses for her almond slices. She'll beak the upper lip for me and my wife, she'll kiss my kids on the nose. If she's on her playtop, we can tell when she wants an almond slice. She'll stretch herself out as far as she can reach as we walk by to try to give us kisses. I am looking forward to the day that she can just say "Kisses" instead of stretching out.

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