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Hi! It's the weekend and things are quiet around the weekend. I'm sorry I didn't see your post earlier. We are not vets but I advise that you see one as soon as possible. Bring your room temperature up to 80 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and keep Waldo out of drafts. Do you hear any wet sounds in his breathing or is his nostrils moist or overly dry? Is he drinking water? If not, put some on your finger and rub it on his beak. Is he eating? Is he fluffed up? Is he sitting on his perch or on the bottom of the cage? How is his attitude to you and how is his general appearance? If Waldo will let you touch his neck and around his crop, do you feel anything besides smoothness? I know others will answer you but I would see a vet as soon as you can. One more question please, have you sprayed any cleaners, washed the windows or used carpet cleaner or air freshener lately? Have you used Teflon pans around him? How old is Mr. Waldo? Thank you, Jay

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Hi Jay I got waldo to a vet and he fears it could be a fungal infection. We will nebulize him with f10 and give him a course of antibios. He seems better already though but im not taking any chances. He is eating and singing and chatting away but he sounds a bit hoarse. Thanks for replying so quickly.

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Hey Everyone

Quick update on waldo. After a week of baytril antibiotics orally, Fluzol human anti fungal medicine also orally and nebulizing with f10 there was no improvement, infact at night he sometimes made these gasping noises and had obvious breathing problems as well as getting increasingly hoarse and croacky. On Saturday we took him back to our vet who applied a different antibiotic but by injection into his breast. With in an hour or 2 his voice had returned and he's doing great. I swear he's louder than he was. Im not sure if there was something lodged in his throat or this mojo in the syringe worked a miracle but he seems to be absolutly fine. I will find out what the second antibio was and post here soon so people in similar situations can inquire at their vet.

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