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Just got my Aviator Harness 4 days ago....


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Well I got what everyone recommended me, which was the Aviator Harness. So far I love it, but I do have complaint. You can't detach the harness from the leash. My reason for wanting this is so my Timneh, Greycie, could wear the harness around the house and get used to the feeling. Almost like a dog collar. Except I wouldn't let her sleep in it or wear it if I'm not around. For safety reason obviously.


But moving on, the 1st day was funny. I popped the DVD in, started watching and studying the harness and Greycie was goin crazy. Gettin all excited, screamin and bobbin her head. A few moments later the man on the DVD said, "You don't want your parrot in the same room as you're watching this tape. They will know what's going on and start acting out." That's not an exact quote, but similar to something the man said. And he was right. So I took some of his other tips and I wore it around me all day, every time I went outside I would make sure she noticed me taking the leash with me. Especially if when I go for walks or jogs.


By the 3rd day I was able to get the harness over her but not slip her head through, she hates that part thoroughly. This morning though I finally got it on her and she was ticked and started biting me and trying to take it off. She wouldn't even let me try and help her. So I finally had the idea. Let me step outside and see what happens. And damn if she didn't calm down instantly. Me and her used to go for walks and she loved it. She was so happy to be outside on my shoulder and free. Instead of being outside in her cage sitting next to me. Of course she was still chewing on her leash and was a little annoyed. But I can imagine its still uncomfortable, its only been 4 days. I knew she was happy to be on my shoulder walking with me though because she was giving me kisses when I asked, so that was a good sign.


When I got home I saw how great this leash works safety wise. If the bird is flying it doesn't yank them back hard or jerk them. They fly as far as it lets them, then safely land where they can. I am very happy with the safety of the leash. I am extremely happy I got to walk with her, I missed that. Two years ago I decided I wanted her to be able to fly like birds should. So now if I can keep getting her more comfortable with this harness we will be able to have both. I had already lost her once when she as on my shoulder and it started to rain and it spooked her and she took off. But after 8 hours of searching my Mom found her on the side yard trying to hide from the rain. I was lucky she found her way home. And I don't every want that to happen again.


Sorry this is so long but it was a good morning for me, and I wanted to share it since so many of you suggested the Aviator Harness to me. Thank you to everyone the Aviator Harness, you know who you are. Haha I can't remember all the names but seriously thanks a bunch, more tips or suggestions from anyone I am open ears.



Thanks from Greycie too she is going to be a lot happier to be going on walks with me again.


Edited by AryoAsh
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So glad to hear it went well with the harness and she will enjoy the outings with you but she may never come to "like" the harness but at least she is tolerating it when she knows it allows her some time outside to fly and be with her master, yeah right! We know who rules the roost don't we!

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So glad to hear it went well with the harness and she will enjoy the outings with you but she may never come to "like" the harness but at least she is tolerating it when she knows it allows her some time outside to fly and be with her master, yeah right! We know who rules the roost don't we!


We are but lowly servants to these feathered monsters, haha.

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